

Livestock Housing

ISBN: 9780851987743

Autores: C Wathes, D Charles

Editora: CABI

Número de Páginas: 448

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 1994

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Livestock housing is a major determinant of animal health, welfare and productivity. This book presents the important principles and processes by which housing influences these outcomes, and shows how an understanding of these can be translated into specifications for housing designs. The emphasis is on the building as a means to an environmental end, focusing on the biological responses and welfare needs of animals in the context of commercial and economic considerations. The book provides a thorough literature review as well as practical guidance and is aimed at academics and professionals in animal production, veterinary science and agricultural engineering.
Part I: Animal Requirements

Comparative climatic requirements, D R Charles
Environment and animal health, J Hartung
Comfort and injury, A J F Webster
Behaviour and welfare, C J Nicol
Part II: Physical Principles
Thermal exchanges, J A Clark and A J McArthur
Air and surface hygiene, C M Wathes
Ventilation control and systems, J M Randall and C R Boon
Structures and material, J E Owen
Part III: Housing Systems
Poultry housing, D R Charles, H A Elson and M P S Haywood
Pig housing, A T Smith
Dairy cow housing, R Blowey
Beef cattle housing, N G Lawrence
Sheep housing, C F R Slade and L Stubbings
Stables, A F Clarke
Part IV: Codes and Regulations
Codes, regulations and mandatory requirements, D R Mercer
C Wathes, Professor of Animal Welfare, Royal Veterinary College, UK, D Charles, Retired/Consultant, formerly of ADAS, Nottingham, UK

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