

Livestock Handling and Transport

ISBN: 9781845932190

Autor: T Grandin

Editora: CABI

Número de Páginas: 400

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2007

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Great changes in the livestock industry have been brought about by the introduction of new international standards for meat suppliers, most notably the improvements in the transport and handling of livestock with an increasing focus on animal welfare.Edited by a world-renowned animal scientist, this third edition of the acclaimed Livestock Handling and Transport presents a wealth of the latest research on transport systems, restraint methods and facilities for farms and slaughterhouses, and a new contribution on animal welfare in developing countries.

Temple Grandin will be talking at a half-day symposium on "Animal Welfare in a World Concerned with Food Security" on 24th June. The eventr organised by CABI and the Royal Veterinary College will be held at the Royal Veterinary College Campus in London. For information go to:
Introduction: Effect of Customer Requirements
International Standards and Marketing
Structure on the Handling and Transport of Livestock and Poultry, T Grandin
General Principles of Stress and Well-being, P B Siegal, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA and W B Gross, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA
Causes of Poor Welfare and Welfare Assessment During Handling and Transport, D M Broom, Centre for Animal Welfare and Anthrozoology, University of Cambridge, UK
Behavioural Principles of Handling Cattle and Other Grazing Animals Under Extensive Conditions,
T Grandin
Low Stress Restraint, Handling, and Weaning of Cattle, J M Stookey, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, Canada and J.M. Watts
Handling Cattle in Intensive Systems, R Ewbank, UK and M Parker, Livestockwise, UK
Handling Facilities and Restraint of Range Cattle, T Grandin
Dairy Cattle Behaviour, Facilities, Handling, and Transport, J L Albright, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA and W K Fulwider, Colorado State University, USA
Cattle Transport, T Grandin and C Gallo, Instituto de Ciencia Animal y Tecnologia de Carnes, Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile
Behavioural Principles of Sheep Handling, G D Hutson, Clifton Press, Australia
Design of Sheep Yards and Shearing Sheds, A Barber, Department of Agriculture, Keith, South Australia, and R B Freeman, University of Melbourne, Australia
Sheep Transport, M S Cockram, University of Edinburgh, UK
Dogs for Herding and Handling Livestock, L Coppinger, and R Coppinger, both at School of Cognitive Science, Hampshire College, Amherst, USA
Behavioural Principles of Pig Handling, P H Hemsworth, Animal Welfare Science Centre, The University of Melbourne and the Department of Primary Industries (Victoria) Parkville, Australia
Transport of Pigs, E Lambooij, Animal Sciences Group of Wageningen UR, The Netherlands
Horse Handling and Transport, K A Houpt, College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, USA
Deer Handling and Transport, L R Matthews, Animal Behaviour and Welfare Research Centre, Hamilton, New Zealand
Poultry Handling and Transport, C A Weeks, University of Bristol, UK
Stress Physiology of Animals During Transport, T G Knowles and P D Warriss, both at School of Veterinary Science, University of Bristol, UK
Handling and Welfare of Livestock in Slaughter Plants, T Grandin
Bio-security for Animal Health and Food Safety, K E Belk, Department of Animal Sciences, Colorado State University, USA and J A Scanga, Centre for Red Meat Safety, Colorado State University, USA
Grandin is Professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University. Dr. Grandin's work includes design of animal handling systems, research on livestock behaviour, and auditing animal welfare. She has visited 26 countries and has served on the OIE animal welfare ad hoc committee for slaughter. Her previous livestock books are: Livestock Handling and Transport, Genetics and the Behavior of Domestic Animals and Humane Livestock Handling. Her popular press books on animal behaviour have been both U.S. and international bestsellers. Throughout her career, Dr. Grandin has worked to combine scientific research results with practical application in the field. In the North America half, the cattle are handled in equipment she designed for meat plants. She has received awards for her work on animal welfare from both the livestock industry and animal welfare NGO's. She has swards from The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, The American Meat Institute, American Society for Animal Science and the Humane Society of the U.S.

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