

Lições de Pediatria - Volume I

ISBN: 9789892613581

Autor: Guiomar Oliveira e Jorge Saraiva


Número de Páginas: 364

Idioma: Português

Data Edição: 2017

42,93 €47,70 €
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The “Pediatrics Coursebook“ of FMUC has been published since the 90s.
This edition is an update of this type of teaching and learning process, which has been so helpful to medical students and young doctors, both in the past and in the present.
Pediatrics is a medical specialty which encompasses the comprehensive health care to children and adolescents in a holistic perspective of health promotion, prevention and treatment of diseases. It also covers the protection of the physical, mental and social well-being of this population, integrated in their community.
This “Textbook of pediatrics” developed by pediatricians of different age groups contains 45 lectures, the contents of which respond to the afore-mentioned range of care.
Each theme was written with great scientific accuracy, combining as well the knowledge and clinical experience of professionals that provide health care to children so that the essential pediatric knowledge comes swiftly to the young medical students and doctors.
All doctors in the course of their professional activity may observe children. But about 85% of infant and child health consultations are made by General Practitioners and the remaining by Pediatricians.
To sum up, these lectures were written in such a way that at an early stage of preparation of pluripotential doctors and later, of young resident doctors, they are able to: 1 – establish a pediatric medical history; 2 – carry out child and youth health surveillance consultations; 3 – solve the most common situations in pediatric practice; and 4 – make references in time.

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