

Leisure and Aging - Theory and Practice

ISBN: 9780736094634

Autores: Heather Gibson, Jerome Singleton


Número de Páginas: 280

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2012

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Leisure and Aging: Theory and Practice provides students and professionals with a balanced perspective of current knowledge as it presents cutting-edge research from the fields of both gerontology and leisure studies. Written by authors from various disciplines who represent an international who’s-who in leisure and aging research, this text

explores theories in leisure and aging;

bridges the gap between research and application, arming professionals with tools to navigate diverse cultures; and

offers insight into delivery of leisure services in older adult communities and long-term care environments.

Each chapter features learning objectives, study questions, case studies, exercises, and relevant readings. The book is supplemented by online ancillaries, including an instructor guide, test package, and a presentation package with photos, illustrations, and tables from the text. Together, the text and online ancillaries help students connect theories and practice as they prepare for future roles in their chosen fields.

Part I. Setting the Stage
Chapter 1. Global Perspectives on Leisure and Aging
Richard D. MacNeil and David L. Gould
Demography and Population Aging
Global Aging: Current and Future Status
Leisure and Quality of Life in Older Adulthood
Learning Aids

Chapter 2. The Influence of Leisure on Discourses of Aging
Rylee A. Dionigi and Sean Horton
Negative Aging Discourse
Positive Aging Discourse
Leisure as Resistance to Ageism
Leisure as Reinforcement of Ageism
Learning Aids

Part II. Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives on Leisure and Aging
Chapter 3. The Relevance of Leisure in Theories of Aging
Douglas A. Kleiber and M. Rebecca Genoe
Leisure as a Context for Continuity and Change
Psychological Theories of Aging
Sociological Theories of Aging
Learning Aids

Chapter 4. Studying Leisure in the Context of Aging
Bryan Smale and Jennifer Gillies
Epistemological Perspectives Guiding Research
The Role of Theory
Two Broadly Defined Approaches to Research
Quantitative Inquiry
Qualitative Inquiry
Roles and Responsibilities of the Researcher
Doing Research Well
Learning Aids

Chapter 5. Leisure Across the Later Life Span
Galit Nimrod and Megan C. Janke
Life-Span Development Models
Changes in Leisure Behavior as People Age
Changes in Leisure Meanings as People Age
Leisure and Later-Life Transitions
Time Misuse in Later Life
Learning Aids

Chapter 6. Leisure and Diversity in Later Life: Ethnicity, Gender, and Sexual Orientation
Steven E. Mock, Susan M. Shaw, Erica M. Hummel, and Carissa Bakker
Critical Gerontology
Ethnicity and Race
Sexual Orientation
Learning Aids

Part III. Leisure and Healthy Aging
Chapter 7. Leisure and Physical Well-Being
Bevan C. Grant and Mary Ann Kluge
Health Maintenance as a Benefit of Physical Leisure
Constraints to Engaging in Physical Leisure
Implications for Programming
Integrating Leisure and Physical Activity
Accessing the Meaning of Active Aging
An Active Future
Learning Aids

Chapter 8. Leisure and the Psychological Well-Being and Health of Older Adults
Roger C. Mannell and Ryan Snelgrove
Leisure and Psychosocial Well-Being
Leisure and the Cognitive Health of Older Adults
Learning Aids

Chapter 9. Leisure and Social and Spiritual Well-Being
Paul Heintzman and Erin Patriquin
Defining Key Concepts
Aging, Leisure, and Social Well-Being
Aging, Leisure, and Spiritual Well-Being
Leisure-Spiritual Coping Model
Learning Aids

Part IV. Community, Aging, and Leisure
Chapter 10. The Role of Community in Encouraging Healthy Aging Among Older Adults
Richard Gitelson and Julie Freelove-Charton
Impact of Choice and Environment on Health
Active Adult Communities
Resources in Communities Without Age Restrictions
Learning Aids

Chapter 11. Tourism and Aging
Ian Patterson and Shane Pegg
Sociodemographics of Travel
Meanings of Tourism
Motivations to Travel
Constraints to Travel
Modes of Travel
Temporary Communities
Older Mobile Travelers
Research on Snowbirds
Adventure Tourism
Educational Tourism
Learning Aids

Part V. Leisure in Long-Term Care
Chapter 12. Leisure in Long-Term Care Settings
Sherry L. Dupuis, Colleen Whyte, and Jennifer Carson
Predominant Culture Within Long-Term Care Settings
Alternative Approaches to Care in Long-Term Care Settings
Quality of Life Through Leisure in Long-Term Care Settings
Reflection and Practice
Learning Aids

Chapter 13. Bridging Community and Long-Term Care Settings
Elaine Wiersma and Stephanie Chesser
Definition of Concepts
Transition From Community Settings to Long-Term Care Settings
Concepts of Community in Long-Term Care Settings
Creating Community in Practice
Learning Aids
Heather J. Gibson, PhD, is an associate professor in the department of tourism, recreation, and sport management at the University of Florida and an associate director of the Center for Tourism Research and Development. She graduated from Brighton Polytechnic in the UK with a bachelor’s degree in physical education with a specialization in sport sociology. This focus on the sociology of sport and leisure led her to the University of Connecticut, where she earned her master’s and PhD and was introduced to tourism as a field of study.

Jerome F. Singleton, PhD, CTRS is a professor in the recreation and leisure studies department in the School of Health and Human Performance at Dalhousie University. He is also cross-appointed to the Schools of Nursing, Sociology and Anthropology, and Business Administration at Dalhousie. Dr. Singleton’s research is focused on leisure and aging. He earned his bachelor’s degree with honors in recreation from the University of Waterloo and then completed his master’s of science degree in recreation at Pennsylvania State University and his PhD in leisure studies at the University of Maryland. He also completed the academic requirements for a doctorate certificate in gerontology at the University of Maryland.

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