

Kettlebell Training

ISBN: 9781450430111

Autor: Steve Cotter


Número de Páginas: 224

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2014

27,82 €30,91 €
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Millions have experienced the benefits of the kettlebell, the ultimate training tool for fat loss, strength, stamina, and coordination. Effective and inexpensive, kettlebells are a training staple for top athletes and trainers around the world. Now, it’s your turn to see the impact and feel the results.

Kettlebell Training is an easy-to-use, no-nonsense guide that will get you started setting goals, assessing fitness, and selecting exercises. You’ll learn how to exercise safely and efficiently to maximize results. Each of the 95 exercises is accompanied by step-by-step instruction, detailed photo sequences, and training tips - instantly accessible and perfect for at home or in the gym.
Chapter 1. The Kettlebell Advantage
Chapter 2. Getting Started With Kettlebells
Chapter 3. Exercise Principles
Chapter 4. Setting Goals, Assessing Fitness, and Training Safely
Chapter 5. Warming Up and Cooling Down
Chapter 6. Basic Exercises
Chapter 7. Intermediate Exercises
Chapter 8. Advanced Exercises
Chapter 9. Creating a Customized Training Program
Chapter 10. Sport-Specific Training Programs
Steve Cotter draws from a diverse background as a champion athlete and cutting-edge trainer in developing some of the most exciting programs in strength and conditioning today. He continues to research and implement the most effective training methods in kettlebell training, martial arts, qigong, strength and conditioning, athletics, and the human performance fields.

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