

IP Telephony: Deploying Voice-over-IP Protocols

ISBN: 9780470023594

Autor: Hersent

Editora: WILEY.

Número de Páginas: 416

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2005

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This book provides a comprehensive practical overview of the technology behind Internet Telephony, giving essential information to Network Engineers, Designers and Managers who need to understand the protocols and explore the issues involved in migrating the existing telephony infrastructure to an IP - based real time communication service. Assuming a working knowledge of IP (Internet Protocol) and networking, it addresses the technical aspects of real-time applications over IP. Drawing on their extensive research and practical development experience in VoIP from its earliest stages, the authors provide an accessible reference to all the relevant standards and cutting-edge techniques in a single resource. The original edition (IP Telephony) was published by Addison-Wesley in Dec 1999, sold 10,000 copies and was translated into Chinese and Portuguese. Updates to this edition include: a new "Practical Deployment Issues" chapter which details common problems found in real-life deployments and ways to solve them (covering applications such as call re-directing, PC to phone, IP addressing, etc) 100% rewritten chapters on SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) and MGCP (Media Gateway Control Protocol), both protocols were in early versions for the first edition and have had major new developments 30% new material throughout covering recent developments increased emphasis on the "hands-on" aspect with feedback from deployments carried out by NetCentrex
Abbreviations. Glossary. Practice. 1.    Voice over Packet. 1.1   Transporting voice, fax and video over a packet network. 1.2   Encoding media streams. 2.     H.323: Packet-based Multimedia Communications Systems. 2.1   Introduction. 2.2   H.323 step by step. 2.3   Optimising and enhancing H.323. 2.4   Conferencing with H.323. 2.5   Directories and numbering. 2.6   H.323 Security. 2.7   Supplementary services. 2.8   Future work on H.323. 3.     The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). 3.1   The origin and purpose of SIP. 3.2   From RFC 2543 to RFC 3261. 3.3   Overview of a simple SIP call. 3.4   Call handling services with SIP. 3.5   Instant messaging and presence. 3.6   SIP security. 3.7   SIP and H.323. 4.    The Media Gateway to Media Controller Protocol (MGCP). 4.1   Introduction: why MGCP? 4.2   MGCP 1.0. 4.3   Sample MGCP call flows. 4.4   The future of MGCP 63. 5.     Advanced Tpoics: call Redirection. 5.1   Call redirection to VoIP networks. 6.     Advanced Topics: NAT Traversal. 6.1   Introduction to Network Address Translation. 6.2   Workarounds for VoIP when the network cannot be controlled. 6.3   Recommended network design for service providers. 6.4   Conclusion. Annex. Index.
Olivier Hersent is Chairman and CTO of NetCentrex, France (Market Leader in VoIP deployments in Europe). Jean-Pierre Petit is Head of Voice Technology at France Telecom. David Gurle is Vice President of Multimedia Communications for Reuters and was previously Head of the Real-Time Communications (VoIP) group at Microsoft.


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