

Instructing Hatha Yoga 2nd Edition With Web Resource

ISBN: 9781450484657

Autor: Diane M. Ambrosini


Número de Páginas: 392

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2016

63,47 €70,52 €
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The world of yoga has exploded since the first edition of Instructing Hatha Yoga was published in 2006. Millions more enthusiasts worldwide are experiencing the physical benefits and mindful awareness of yoga in gyms and spas, the training rooms of professional sport teams, prisons and hospitals, and even classrooms.

With the increasing demand for qualified yoga teachers who can meet the needs of a diverse group of students, this updated edition of Instructing Hatha Yoga could not have come at a better time. Featuring detailed instructions on teaching 68 yoga poses and more than 200 photos showing the postures, the text covers all aspects of safe and confident hatha yoga instruction.
Part I The Practice of Yoga
Chapter 1 Understanding Yoga
Chapter 2 Basics of Teaching Yoga
Chapter 3 Creating a Class Environment
Chapter 4 Breathing and Beyond
Chapter 5 Energy and Anatomy

Part II Asanas and Adjustments
Chapter 6 Sun Salutations
Chapter 7 Standing Postures
Chapter 8 Seated Postures
Chapter 9 Supine and Prone Postures
Chapter 10 Inverted Postures
Chapter 11 Restorative Postures

Part 3 Structuring a Class
Chapter 12 Class Framework
Chapter 13 Sample Classes
Diane Ambrosini, MA, is a master yoga teacher and movement science specialist who began a serious study and practice of yoga in 1997. She has participated in numerous yoga teacher training programs and taught hatha yoga workshops in the United States and Canada. Diane has also written numerous articles on yoga and fitness-related topics. She strives to improve the art and science of teaching yoga and help others enjoy the benefits of yoga as a lifestyle.

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