

Indoor Air Quality Engineering

ISBN: 9781566706742

Autor: Yuanhui Zhang

Editora: CRC PRESS

Número de Páginas: 640

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2004

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Indoor Air Quality Engineering covers a wide range of indoor air quality engineering principles and applications, providing guidelines for identifying and analyzing indoor air quality problems as well as designing a system to mitigate these problems. Structured into three sections - properties and behavior of airborne pollutants, measurement and sampling efficiency, and air quality enhancement technologies - this book uses real-life examples, design problems, and solutions to illustrate engineering principles. Professionals and students in engineering, environmental sciences, public health, and industrial hygiene concerned with indoor air quality control will find Indoor Air Quality Engineering provides effective methods, technologies, and principles not traditionally covered in other texts.

Table of ContentsIndoor Air Quality Engineering covers a wide range of indoor air quality engineering principles and applications, providing guidelines for identifying and analyzing indoor air quality problems as well as designing a system to mitigate these problems. Structured into three sections - properties and behavior of airborne pollutants, measurement and sampling efficiency, and air quality enhancement technologies - this book uses real-life examples, design problems, and solutions to illustrate engineering principles. Professionals and students in engineering, environmental sciences, public health, and industrial hygiene concerned with indoor air quality control will find Indoor Air Quality Engineering provides effective methods, technologies, and principles not traditionally covered in other texts.
Yuanhui Zhang
University of Illinois, Urbana, USA

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