

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning 2e

ISBN: 9781401884727

Autor: Cecil Johnson

Editora: CENGAGE

Número de Páginas: 864

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2006

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Introducing a completely current and innovative way to teach the basics of HVAC-R! Featuring more than 125 practical competencies, this "how to" guide has been carefully designed and thoroughly modernized to provide a complete learning system for the fundamentals and applications of core HVAC-R concepts. It combines straightforward theory lessons with useful "hands-on" opportunities for learning about the industry's hottest topics, including electricity and electrical controls, refrigeration fundamentals, heat pumps, oil and gas heat, safety, and more. Enhancements to this edition include an updated tool identification chart, new and improved graphics, expanded information on calculator usage, and a pressure temperature chart for use by technicians in the field.


the flexible format affords users the unique opportunity to learn HVAC-R fundamentals and applications either on an individual basis or in an instructional setting
practical competencies take readers step-by-step through specific service, repair, and maintenance procedures and provide the hands-on training needed to work in the HVAC-R field
a built-in evaluation system charts the reader''s progress as they move through key concepts
theory lessons and practical competencies can be fine-tuned to meet specific training needs of local contractors, associations, or individual technicians
Use as a stand alone manual or as a supplement to any HVAC book including Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technology, 5E by Whitman and Johnson
Chapter 1 Electricity - Theory Lessons & Practical Competencies
Chapter 2 Electrical Controls - Theory Lesson & Practical Competencies
Chapter 3 Refrigeration Fundamentals - Theory Lessons & Practical Competencies
Chapter 4 Heat Pumps - Theory Lessons & Practical Competencies
Chapter 5 Oil Heat - Theory Lessons & Practical Competencies
Chapter 6 Gas Heat - Theory Lessons & Practical Competencies
Cecil Johnson
Cecil Johnson holds a Masters degree in Vocational Education from Penn State University and has over 30 years of service with the Dauphin County Technical School as a vocational instructor in HVAC. His experience in the HVAC-R and training fields has earned him a number of certifications: two Vocational Teaching Certificates, ESCO Institute and Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) CFC Proctor Certification, and EPA Section 608 Universal Certification. He has developed and written numerous HVAC training materials and programs, including programs for the General Service Association of the Federal Government and the United States Air Force. Mr. Johnson was also a key player in the development of the HVAC Diploma, Certificate, and Associate Degree programs at Harrisburg Area Community College, where he is currently an adjunct instructor.


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