

Health for Life With Web Resources-Paper

ISBN: 9781492500520

Autores: Karen McConnell, Charles Corbin, David Corbin, Terri Farrar


Número de Páginas: 424

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2014

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Health for Life is an innovative new resource that teaches high school students the fundamentals of health and wellness, how to avoid destructive habits, and how to choose to live healthy lives. Health for Life is available in print and digital formats, including an iBooks interactive version for iPads plus other e-book formats that students can use across a variety of platforms.

This text covers all aspects of healthy living throughout the life span:

Understanding health and wellness (positive aspect of health)
Preventing disease and seeking care
Embracing the priority lifestyles of physical activity, nutrition, and stress management
Avoiding destructive habits
Building relationships
Creating healthy and safe communities
Unit I. Understanding Health and Wellness
Chapter 1. Introduction to Health and Wellness
Chapter 2. Health Behavior Change and Personal Health
Chapter 3. Choosing Healthy Lifestyles

Unit II. Preventing Disease and Seeking Care
Chapter 4. Understanding Your Body
Chapter 5. Diseases and Disability
Chapter 6. Emotional Health and Wellness
Chapter 7. Health Care Consumerism

Unit III. Embracing Priority Lifestyles
Chapter 8. Nutrition: Foundations for Healthy Eating
Chapter 9. Nutrition: Energy Balance and Consumer Nutrition
Chapter 10. Physical Activity: Health and Fitness Basics
Chapter 11. Physical Activity: Getting Started With Your Plan
Chapter 12. Stress Management

Unit IV. Building Relationships and Lifelong Health
Chapter 13. Family Living and Healthy Relationships
Chapter 14. Health and Wellness Throughout Life

Unit V. Avoiding Destructive Habits
Chapter 15. Tobacco
Chapter 16. Alcohol
Chapter 17. Drugs and Medicine

Unit VI. Creating Healthy and Safe Communities
Chapter 18. Safety and First Aid
Chapter 19. A Healthy Environment
Chapter 20. Community and Public Health
Karen E. McConnell, PhD, a professor at Pacific Lutheran University, is a certified health education specialist (CHES) and has taught at the university level for more than 15 years in areas related to health and fitness education, curriculum and assessment, and exercise science. She has written or contributed to over a dozen book chapters and texts, including the teacher resources for Fitness for Life (fifth and sixth editions).

Dr. Charles B. (“Chuck”) Corbin, PhD, is professor emeritus in the School of Nutrition and Health Promotion at Arizona State University. He coauthored two health series for use in grades K-8 and is senior author of several award-winning elementary, middle school, high school, and college texts, including Fitness for Life: Elementary School, Fitness for Life: Middle School, the sixth edition of Fitness for Life, all winners of Texty Awards (Text and Academic Authors Association, or TAA), and Concepts of Physical Fitness (17th edition), winner of the McGuffey Award (TAA).

David E. Corbin, PhD, taught health education at the high school level for many years before beginning a career in health education at the college level. He is emeritus professor of health education and public health at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, where he taught for over 30 years. He has authored, coauthored, or edited four other health-related books and is a fellow and lifetime member of the American School Health Association.

Terri D. Farrar, PhD, is a visiting assistant professor and director of the Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology Program at Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, Washington. She has taught health and fitness at the high school level for 20 years, and teaches health and fitness pedagogy at Pacific Lutheran.

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