

Health and Wellness for Life With Online Study Guide

ISBN: 9780736068505

Autor: Human Kinetics


Número de Páginas: 504

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2009

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Health on Demand and Health and Wellness for Life provide professors teaching general-ed health courses the option to customize their student textbooks to match their syllabi. With a custom Health on Demand text, your students pay for only the material you’ll actually cover in class, plus you can match the text’s content to the unique needs of your setting. The standard text, Health and Wellness for Life, offers a ready-made option for those looking for a textbook that covers all the essential personal health topics for the general student population.
Chapter 1. Health Promotion
Chapter 2. Fitness Basics
Chapter 3. Nutrition
Chapter 4. Weight Management
Chapter 5. Mental Health
Chapter 6. Stress Management
Chapter 7. Intimacy and Sexuality
Chapter 8. Reproductive Choices
Chapter 9. Conception, Pregnancy, and Childbirth
Chapter 10. Infectious Diseases
Chapter 11. Chronic Diseases
Chapter 12. Health Care Consumerism
Chapter 13. Environmental Health
Chapter 14. Substance Abuse and Dependency
Chapter 15. Healthy Aging
Chapter 16. Wellness Throughout Life

Health on Demand was created by a team of knowledge specialists. The chapters were written by veteran health educators selected for their proficiency in the subject matter, and the content was developed to relate specifically to a college audience. The book was then organized into a cohesive course text by Human Kinetics, a publisher with more than 30 years of experience in providing top-quality information resources to the fields of health and physical education and to the various kinesiology subdisciplines.

Since its founding in 1973, Human Kinetics has been committed to providing informational and educational products in the physical activity and health fields. Health on Demand is representative of the relationship between Human Kinetics and its customers—high-quality content customized to meet the customer's needs.


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