

Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine - (Vol.1 & Vol.2) - 19th Edition

ISBN: 9780071802154

Autores: Dennis Kasper, Anthony Fauci, Dan Longo, Stephen Hauser, J. Larry Jameson & Joseph Loscalzo


Número de Páginas: 3000

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2015

220,97 €245,52 €
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The landmark text that has defined internal medicine for generations of clinicians and students - completely updated with a more streamlined, functional presentation Through six decades, no resource has matched the encyclopedic scope, esteemed scholarship, and scientific rigor of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine. Both an educational tool and a clinical reference, it remains one of the most widely read and universally respected textbooks in all of medical publishing and the pinnacle of current medical knowledge. The Nineteenth Edition of Harrison's features a new slimmer presentation, logically divided into two volumes.

Volume 1 covers essential foundational-level material on the basic principles underlying optimal patient care and assessment of signs and symptoms. Volume 2 is devoted to specific diseases and the best evidence based approaches to their management. Capturing the countless advances and developments across the full span of medicine, this edition of Harrison's offers a complete update of all content related to pathophysiology and pathophysiology, clinical trials, evidence-based practice guidelines, current diagnostic methods, and established and new treatment methods.

NEW chapters on important topics such as Men's Health, Fatigue, Management of Heart Failure, Infertility, and Contraception Increased number of clinical decision trees, radiographic examples, clinical images, tables and summary lists Presented in two volumes: Volume 1 is devoted to cardinal manifestations of disease and approach to differential diagnosis; Volume 2 covers specific diseases and disorders.
Dennis Kasper, MD is Professor of Medicine at Harvard and a leading researcher of the health and disease implications related to host-microbe interactions and the human microbiome.

Anthony Fauci, MD is Director of the National Institutes for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and recipient of the Lasker Prize for Medicine. He is a leading authority in HIV and AIDS, immunology, and management of Ebola Virus Disease.

Dan Longo, MD is Deputy Editor, New England Journal of Medicine and Professor of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital/Harvard Medical School. Dr. Longo is a highly regarded cancer specialist.

Stephen Hauser MD is Robert A. Fishman Distinguished Professor and Chair, Department of Neurology, UCSF School of Medicine. He is a leading authority on multiple sclerosis.

J. Larry Jameson, MD, PhD is Robert G. Dunlop Professor of Medicine, Dean, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, and Executive Vice President, University of Pennsylvania Health System.

Joseph Loscalzo MD, PhD is Hersey Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine, Harvard Medicine School and a leading authority in many aspects of cardiovascular medicine.

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