

Greenhouse Technology and Management

ISBN: 9781780641034

Autor: N Castilla

Editora: CABI

Número de Páginas: 360

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2012

157,74 €175,27 €
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Greenhouse cultivation has expanded in recent decades with increased demand for horticultural production. This book covers current technologies and management practices of general greenhouse production, with a particular emphasis on plastic greenhouses and vegetable growing. The author begins by addressing the natural greenhouse microclimate, in the context of managing greenhouse systems such as ventilation, cooling, heating, carbon dioxide enrichment, light management, crop physiology, greenhouse design and construction criteria. The book then moves on to cover other issues of greenhouse management including irrigation and fertilization, soil and substrate cultivation, plant protection, regulation, economic analysis, environmental impact, and post-harvest, production strategies and marketing. Providing an integrated approach to greenhouse production this practical text aims to provide clear advice on optimising the yield and quality of crops grown under greenhouse conditions.

1. Protected Cultivation
2. The External Climate
3. The Greenhouse Climate
4. The Plastic Greenhouse
5. Greenhouse Heat Exchanges
6. Crop Physiology: Photosynthesis, Growth, Development and Productivity
7. Facilities and Active and Passive Climate Control Equipment: Low Temperature Management – Heating
8. Management of High Temperatures: Cooling
9. Air Movement in the Greenhouse: Carbon Dioxide Enrichment – Light Management
10. The Root Medium: Soil and Substrates
11. Irrigation and Fertilisation
12. Regulation and Control Systems: Computer Climate Management – Mechanization
13. Plant Protection
14. Economic and Environmental Analysis
15. Post-Harvest
16. Marketing
17. Greenhouse Production Strategies

N Castilla, Agricultural Research and Training Institute, Andalucia Spain

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