

Fundamentals Of Fixed Prosthodontics

ISBN: 9780867154757

Autores: Herbert T. Shillingburg, David A. Sather Jr., Edwin L. Wilson Jr., Joseph R. Cain, Vários


Número de Páginas: 584

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição:

120,20 €133,56 €
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The fourth edition of this popular undergraduate text has been updated and expanded to reflect new research, materials, and techniques in fixed prostho-dontics, with the addition of more than 350 new illustrations and three new chapters on the restoration of implants. It is designed to serve as an introduction to restorative dentistry techniques using fixed partial dentures and cast metal, metal-ceramic, and all-ceramic restorations, providing the background knowledge needed by the novice and serving as a refresher for the practitioner or graduate student. Specific techniques and instruments are discussed, and updated information has been added to cover new cements, new impression materials and equipment, and changes in soft tissue management methods used during impression procedures. New articulators, facebows, and concepts of occlusion have been added, along with precise ways of making removable dies. Different ways of handling edentulous ridges with defects that provide better control over the functional and cosmetic outcome are also presented. Finally, the topics of esthetic and implant restorations, which have become increasingly emphasized in dental practice, are given greater attention.
Herbert T. Shillingburg, David A. Sather Jr., Edwin L. Wilson Jr., Joseph R. Cain, Donald L. Mitchell, Luis J. Blanco, James C. Kessler

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