

Functional Training

ISBN: 9781450414821

Autor: Juan Carlos Santana


Número de Páginas: 288

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2016

29,54 €32,82 €
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Take your performance to the next level with Functional Training. Author Juan Carlos Santana brings you his revolutionary approach to training and conditioning methods sure to improve your function in any sport or activity. Functional Training covers the recent breakthroughs, the most exercises, and proven programs that you can follow or incorporate into your existing training plan.

Offering strength, endurance, power, and sport-specific exercises and programming, Functional Training is a comprehensive resource for every athlete, coach, and athletic trainer. Covering the concepts, exercises, progressions, and sequencing on which a sound functional training program is based, it addresses the needs of more than 11 sports and features 135 exercises, including body weight, bands and pulleys, dumbbells and kettlebells, medicine balls, and stability balls.

Functional Training features a three-tier approach for integrating functional movements into an existing strength program. Through assessment and analysis, you’ll identify the movements and muscles involved in your sport, then select the best exercises and programs based on desired results and performance goals. In addition to quick exercise sequences and personalized programming to address the big four sport skills, more comprehensive programs can be developed to address your athletic and performance needs and goals.

No matter what your sport, Functional Training will help you achieve optimal results.
Part I Function and Functional Training
Chapter 1. Functional Training Defined
Chapter 2. Foundations of Functional Training
Chapter 3. Performance Continuum
PART II Exercises
Chapter 4. Essentials
Chapter 5. Supporting Cast
Part III Programs
Chapter 6. Program Design
Chapter 7. Pure Functional Programs
Chapter 8. Hybrid Programming
Chapter 9. Sport-Specific Programs

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