

Foundations for Microwave Engineering, 2nd Edition

ISBN: 9780780360310

Autor: Robert E. Collin

Editora: WILEY.

Número de Páginas: 944

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2000

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FOUNDATIONS FOR MICROWAVE ENGINEERING, Second Edition, covers the major topics of microwave engineering. Its presentation defines the accepted standard for both advanced undergraduate and graduate level courses on microwave engineering. An essential reference book for the practicing microwave engineer, it features:
•Planar transmission lines, as well as an appendix that describes in detail conformal mapping methods for their analysis and attenuation characteristics
•Small aperture coupling and its application in practical components such as directional couplers and cavity coupling
•Printed circuit components with an emphasis on techniques such as even and odd mode analysis and the use of symmetry properties
•Microwave linear amplifier and oscillator design using solid-state circuits such as varactor devices and transistors
FOUNDATIONS FOR MICROWAVE ENGINEERING, Second Edition, has extensive coverage of transmission lines, waveguides, microwave circuit theory, impedance matching and cavity resonators. It devotes an entire chapter to fundamental microwave tubes, in addition to chapters on periodic structures, microwave filters, small signal solid-state microwave amplifier and oscillator design, and negative resistance devices and circuits. Completely updated in 1992, it is being reissued by the IEEE Press in response to requests from our many members, who found it an invaluable textbook and an enduring reference for practicing microwave engineers.

Sponsored by:
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society

An Instructor's Manual presenting detailed solutions to all the problems in the book is available upon request from the Wiley Makerting Department.

1 Introduction.
1.1 Microwave Frequencies.
1.2 Microwave Applications.
1.3 Microwave Circuit Elements and Analysis.

2 Electromagnetic Theory.
2.1 Maxwell's Equations.
2.2 Constitutive Relations.
2.3 Static Fields.
2.4 Wave Equation.
2.5 Energy and Power.
2.6 Boundary Conditions.
2.7 Plane Waves.
2.8 Reflection from a Dielectric Interface.
2.9 Reflection from a Conducting Plane.
2.10 Potential Theory.
2.11 Derivation of Solution for Vector Potential.
2.12 Lorentz Reciprocity Theorem.

3 Transmission Lines and Waveguides.

Part 1 Waves on Transmission Lines.
3.1 Waves on An Ideal Transmission Line.
3.2 Terminated Transmission Line: Resistive Load.
3.3 Capacitive Termination.
3.4 Steady-State Sinusoidal Waves.
3.5 Waves on a Lossy Transmission Line.
3.6 Terminated Transmission Line: Sinusoidal Waves.

Part 2 Field Analysis of Transmission Lines.
3.7 Classification of Wave Solutions.
3.8 Transmission Lines (Field Analysis).
3.9 Transmission-Line Parameters.
3.10 Inhomogeneously Filled Parallel-Plate Transmission Line.
3.11 Planar Transmission Lines.
3.12 Microstrip Transmission Line.
3.13 Coupled Microstrip Lines.
3.14 Strip Transmission Lines.
3.15 Coupled Strip Lines.
3.16 Coplanar Transmission Lines.

Part 3 Rectangular and Circular Waveguides.
3.17 Rectangular Waveguide.
3.18 Circular Waveguides.
3.19 Wave Velocities.
3.20 Ridge Waveguide.
3.21 Fin Line.

4 Circuit Theory for Waveguiding Systems.
4.1 Equivalent Voltages and Currents.
4.2 Impedance Description of Waveguide Elements and Circuits.
4.3 Foster's Reactance Theorem.
4.4 Even and Odd Properties of Zin.
4.5 iV-Port Circuits.
4.6 Two-Port Junctions.
4.7 Scattering-Matrix Formulation.
4.8 Scattering Matrix for a Two-Port Junction.
4.9 Transmission-Matrix Representation.
4.10 Signal Flow Graphs.
4.11 Generalized Scattering Matrix for Power Waves.
4.12 Excitation of Waveguides.
4.13 Waveguide Coupling by Apertures.
5 Impedance Transformation and Matching.
5.1 Smith Chart.
5.2 Impedance Matching with Reactive Elements.
5.3 Double-Stub Matching Network.
5.4 Triple-Stub Tuner.
5.5 Impedance Matching with Lumped Elements.
5.6 Design of Complex Impedance Terminations.
5.7 Invariant Property of Impedance Mismatch Factor.
5.8 Waveguide Reactive Elements.
5.9 Quarter-Wave Transformers.
5.10 Theory of Small Reflections.
5.11 Approximate Theory for Multisection Quarter-Wave Transformers.
5.12 Binomial Transformer.
5.13 Chebyshev Transformer.
5.14 Chebyshev Transformer (Exact Results).
5.15 Filter Design Based on Quarter-Wave-Transformer Prototype Circuit.
5.16 Tapered Transmission Lines.
5.17 Synthesis of Transmission-Line Tapers.
5.18 Chebyshev Taper.
5.19 Exact Equation for the Reflection Coefficient.

6 Passive Microwave Devices.
6.1 Terminations.
6.2 Attenuators.
6.3 Phase Shifters.
6.4 Directional Couplers.
6.5 Hybrid Junctions.
6.6 Power Dividers.
6.7 Microwave Propagation in Ferrites.
6.8 Faraday Rotation.
6.9 Microwave Devices Employing Faraday Rotation.
6.10 Circulators.
6.11 Other Ferrite Devices.
7 Electromagnetic Resonators.
7.1 Resonant Circuits.
7.2 Transmission-Line Resonant Circuits.
7.3 Microstrip Resonators.
7.4 Microwave Cavities.
7.5 Dielectric Resonators.
7.6 Equivalent Circuits for Cavities.
7.7 Field Expansion in a General Cavity.
7.8 Oscillations in a Source-Free Cavity.
7.9 Excitation of Cavities.
7.10 Cavity Perturbation Theory.

8 Periodic Structures and Filters.
8.1 Capacitively Loaded Transmission-Line-Circuit Analysis.
8.2 Wave Analysis of Periodic Structures.
8.3 Periodic Structures Composed of Unsymmetrical Two-Port Networks.
8.4 Terminated Periodic Structures.
8.5 Matching of Periodic Structures.
8.6 k0-β Diagram.
8.7 Group Velocity and Energy Flow.
8.8 Floquet's Theorem and Spatial Harmonics.
8.9 Periodic Structures for Traveling-Wave Tubes.
8.10 Sheath Helix.
8.11 Some General Properties of a Helix.
8.12 Introduction to Microwave Filters.
8.13 Image-Parameter Method of Filter Design.
8.14 Filter Design by Insertion-Loss Method.
8.15 Specification of Power Loss Ratio.
8.16 Some Low-Pass-Filter Designs.
8.17 Frequency Transformations.
8.18 Impedance and Admittance Inverters.
8.19 A Microstrip Half-Wave Filter.
8.20 Microstrip Parallel Coupled Filter.
8.21 Quarter-Wave-Coupled Cavity Filters.
8.22 Direct-Coupled Cavity Filters.
8.23 Other Types of Filters.
9 Microwave Tubes.
9.1 Introduction.
9.2 Electron Beams with dc Conditions.
9.3 Space-Charge Waves on Beams with Confined Flow.
9.4 Space-Charge Waves on Unfocused Beams.
9.5 Ac Power Relations.
9.6 Velocity Modulation.
9.7 Two-Cavity Klystron.
9.8 Reflex Klystron.
9.9 Magnetron.
9.10 O-Type Traveling-Wave Tube.
9.11 M-Type Traveling-Wave Tube.
9.12 Gyrotrons.
9.13 Other Types of Microwave Tubes.
10 Solid-State Amplifiers.
10.1 Bipolar Transistors.
10.2 Field-Effect Transistors.
10.3 Circle-Mapping Properties of Bilinear Transformations.
10.4 Microwave Amplifier Design Using Sij Parameters.
10.5 Amplifier Power Gain.
10.6 Amplifier Stability Criteria.
10.7 Constant Power-Gain Circles.
10.8 Basic Noise Theory.
10.9 Low-Noise Amplifier Design.
10.10 Constant Mismatch Circles.
10.11 Microwave Amplifier Design.
10.12 Other Aspects of Microwave Amplifier Design.

11 Parametric Amplifiers.
11.1 p-n Junction Diodes.
11.2 Manley-Rowe Relations.
11.3 Linearized Equations for Parametric Amplifiers.
11.4 Parametric Up-Converter.
11.5 Negative-Resistance Parametric Amplifier.
11.6 Noise Properties of Parametric Amplifiers.

12 Oscillators and Mixers.
12.1 Gunn Oscillators.
12.2 IMPATT Diodes.
12.3 Transistor Oscillators.
12.4 Three-Port Description of a Transistor.
12.5 Oscillator Circuits.
12.6 Oscillator Design.
12.7 Mixers.
12.8 Mixer Noise Figure.
12.9 Balanced Mixers.
12.10 Other Types of Mixers.
12.11 Mixer Analysis Using Harmonic Balancing.

I Useful Relations from Vector Analysis.
I.1 Vector Algebra.
I.2 Vector Operations in Common Coordinate Systems.
I.3 Vector Identities.
I.4 Green's Identities.
II Bessel Functions.
II.1 Ordinary Bessel Functions.
II.2 Modified Bessel Functions.
III Conformal Mapping Techniques.
III.1 Conformal Mapping.
III.2 Elliptic Sine Function.
III.3 Capacitance between Two Parallel Strips.
III.4 Strip Transmission Line.
III.5 Conductor Loss.
III.6 Conductor Losses for a Microstrip Transmission Line.
III.7 Attenuation for a Coplanar Line.
IV Physical Constants and Other Data.
IV.1 Physical Constants.
IV.2 Conductivities of Materials.
IV.3 Dielectric Constants of Materials.
IV.4 Skin Depth in Copper.
Robert E. Collin is the author or coauthor of more than 150 technical papers and five books on electromagnetic theory and applications. His classic text, Field Theory of Guided Waves, is also a volume in the series. Professor Collin has had a long and distinguished academic career at Case Western Reserve University. In addition to his professorial duties, he has served as chairman of the Department of Electrical Engineering and as interim dean of engineering. Professor Collin is a life fellow of the IEEE and a member of the Microwave Theory and Techniques Society and the Antennas and Propagation Society (APS). He is a member of the U.S. Commission B of URSI and a member of the Geophysical Society. Other honors include the Diekman Award from Case Western Reserve University for distinguished graduate teaching, the IEEE APS Distinguished Career Award (1992), the IEEE Schelkunoff Prize Paper Award (1992), the IEEE Electromagnetics Award (1998), and an IEEE Third Millennium Medal in 2000. In 1990 Professor Collin was elected to the National Academy of Engineering.


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