

Fitness Weight Training-3rd Edition

ISBN: 9781450445139

Autores: Thomas R. Baechle, Roger W. Earle


Número de Páginas: 272

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2014

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Whether you’ve been a regular at the gym for years or are just getting started, Fitness Weight Training contains proven programs for attaining the body you want!

Expanded, enhanced, and improved, this new edition of the perennial best-selling guide provides an overview of weight training. From equipment selection to exercise technique, Fitness Weight Training has the information you need to get to work quickly, safely, and correctly.

Best of all, you will find 75 programs for muscle toning, body shaping, and pure strength training. Just determine your objective and use the color-coded six-week-long workout zones—or levels of difficulty and intensity—to achieve your goal. With more than 60 of the most effective exercises to choose from, you can tailor your routine to the time, energy, and equipment available.

Make every minute in the weight room count. Make Fitness Weight Training your workout guide and achieve your goals for training.
Part I Prepare to Weight Train
Chapter 1 Weight Train to Improve Fitness
Chapter 2 Know Your Equipment and Understand Its Proper Use
Chapter 3 Success Starts Here
Chapter 4 Steps to Starting Your Program
Chapter 5 Weight Train the Correct Way
Chapter 6 Weight Training Exercises

Part II Training by the Color Zones
Chapter 7 Green Zone
Chapter 8 Blue Zone
Chapter 9 Purple Zone
Chapter 10 Yellow Zone
Chapter 11 Orange Zone
Chapter 12 Red Zone

Part III Advanced Weight Training Programs
Chapter 13 Designing Your Own Program
Chapter 14 Combining Weight Training and Aerobic Exercise
Chapter 15 Weight Training to Improve Sport Performance
Thomas R. Baechle, EdD, CSCS,*D (R), NSCA-CPT,*D (R), is a professor and chair of the exercise science department at Creighton University. He is a cofounder and past president of the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), and for 20 years he was the executive director of the NSCA Certification Commission.

Roger W. Earle, MA, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D, has over 25 years of experience as a personal fitness trainer, competitive sport conditioning coach, and behavior modification facilitator for people of all ages and fitness levels. He lectures at national and international conferences about designing personalized exercise and training programs, weight management, and exercise motivation.

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