

Fish Diseases and Disorders, Volume 2: Non-infectious Disorders

ISBN: 9781845935535

Autores: J Leatherland, P Woo

Editora: CABI

Número de Páginas: 416

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2010

126,40 €140,45 €
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Written by leading authorities in the field, this new edition of Volume 2 in the successful Fish Diseases and Disorders trilogy has been thoroughly updated with new research and contributions. Focusing largely on finfish, it covers non-infectious disorders of development, growth and physiology of wild and captive species, including genetic conditions, respiratory disorders, stress physiology, environmental factors and a new contribution on the relationship between welfare issues and disorders associated with intensive fish culture. The book is indispensable for zoologists, fish health specialists and veterinarians, researchers and students, and those involved with fisheries and aquaculture.
1. Introduction: Issues related to the diagnostic assessment of non-infectious disorders of captive and wild fish populations, J F Leatherland
2. Neoplasms and related disorders, J M Grizzle and A E Goodwin
3. Reproductive and endocrine disorders, J F Leatherland
4. Chemically induced alterations to gonadal differentiation in fish, C D Metcalfe, K A Kidd and J P Sumpter
5. Disorders of development, C L Brown, D M Power, J M Núñez
6. Organismal and cellular stress, M M Vijayan, N Aluru & J F Leatherland
7. Metabolic and nutritionally-related disorders, S Lall
8. Feeding disorders, N Bernier
9. Immune system and PAHs, G Noguchi
10. Disorders of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, A P Farrell, P A Ackerman and G K Iwama
11. Osmotic and ionic regulation, W Marshall
12. Supersaturation pathology, D Speare
13. Aquaculture and welfare issues, P Southgate

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