

Fallproof! A Comprehensive Balance and Mobility Training Program-2nd Edition

ISBN: 9780736067478

Autor: Debra Rose


Número de Páginas: 328

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2010

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The second edition of FallProof! A Comprehensive Balance and Mobility Training Program is a practical guide to implementing a multidimensional balance and mobility training program to address the increasing incidence of falls among older adults. Now packaged with a DVD, this edition is a research-based resource with a range of balance and mobility assessments and detailed instructions on implementing the FallProof! program.

The second edition contains everything that made the original edition so popular and the FallProof! program so widely recognized and well received. Written by Dr. Debra Rose, foremost expert in balance disorders and programming, this book continues to be the only text to address the multiple dimensions that contribute to balance and mobility. By exploring the reasons underlying falls, readers gain the knowledge to offer more comprehensive assessment and programming. This research-based approach has been field tested and has shown considerable success in a range of instructional settings, including community-based and residential care environments.
Part I. The Theory Behind the Program
Chapter 1. Understanding Balance and Mobility
Chapter 2. Why Do Many Older Adults Fall?

Part II. The FallProof Program for Improving Balance and Mobility
Chapter 3. Screening and Assessment
Chapter 4. Center-of-Gravity Control Training
Chapter 5. Multisensory Training
Chapter 6. Postural Strategy Training
Chapter 7. Gait Pattern Enhancement and Variation Training
Chapter 8. Strength and Endurance Training
Chapter 9. Flexibility Training

Part III. Implementing the FallProof Program
Chapter 10. Setting the Stage for Learning
Chapter 11. Program Planning and Class Management Techniques
Debra Rose, PhD, is a professor in the division of kinesiology and health science and director of the Center for Successful Aging at California State University at Fullerton. She also serves as codirector of the Fall Prevention Center of Excellence at the University of Southern California. Her primary research focus is on the enhancement of mobility and the prevention of falls in later years.

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