

Exploring Agriscience 4e

ISBN: 9781435439665

Autor: Dr. Ray V. Herren

Editora: CENGAGE

Número de Páginas: 480

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2011

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Discover the exciting world of agriscience with this newly-updated edition of a resource that has proven invaluable for middle school students across the country. Agriscience, 4th Edition uses the same solid approach that made previous editions so popular: content that centers on an examination of the agricultural industry, while also highlighting the role that scientific concepts play in agricultural processes. The book's comprehensive coverage includes everything from the history of agriculture, soils, plant structures, and entomology, to floriculture, nursery and landscaping, row crops, biotechnology, and even careers. Each chapter contains an insert that provides a description of an FFA-sponsored event that relates directly to the chapter topic, reinforcing the most important concepts. With hands-on activities designed to encourage students to relate the book's coverage to its real-world applications, this is the perfect book for a first agriculture or agriscience class. In addition, each chapter ends with True/False, Multiple Choice and discussion questions to help evaluate student learning. An extensive teaching/learning package for the text is available. This package includes an instructor's guide, a lab manual, lab manual instructor's guide, lab manual CD-ROM, ClassMaster CD-ROM and Classroom Interactivity CD-ROM.


Highlights and explains important concepts with clear, full-color, professional illustrations.
Facilitates comprehension with valuable pedagogical aids at the end of each chapter, including True/False, Multiple Choice, and Discussion Questions.
Offers extensive teaching supplement package so teachers can spend more time teaching and less time preparing, including an instructor''s guide, a lab manual, lab manual instructor''s guide, lab manual CD-ROM, Classmaster CD-ROM, and a Classroom Interactivitiy CD-ROM.
1. The World Of Agriculture.
2. The History Of Agriculture.
3. Soil: The Origin Of Life.
4. Plant Structures And Their Uses.
5. Agricultural Pests.
6. Floriculture.
7. Nursery Production.
8. Landscaping.
9. Fruit And Nut Production.
10. Row Crops.
11. Forest Science.
12. Protecting The Environment.
13. Organic Agriculture.
14. The Livestock Industry.
15. The Dairy Industry.
16. The Poultry Industry.
17. The Science Of Aquaculture.
18. Companion Animals Supply.
20. The Ethical Treatment Of Animals.
21. Selecting And Using Hand Tools.
22. Small Engine Operation.
23. Biofuels
24. Biotechnology: The Future Of Agriculture.
25. High School Agricultural Education Programs.
26. Careers In Agricultural Science.
Glossary English & Spanish.
Dr. Ray V. Herren
Ray V. Herren has been actively involved in agriculture for most of his life. Ray grew up on a diversified farm where he played a major role in the production of livestock. He obtained a BS in Agricultural Education from Auburn University, a Masters in Agribusiness Education from Alabama A & M, and a Doctorate in Vocational Education (emphasis in Agricultural Education) from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. He is currently the head of the Department of Agriculture Leadership, Education, and Communication at the University of Georgia in Athens.

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