

Exercise Psychology-2nd Edition

ISBN: 9781450407090

Autores: Janet Buckworth, Rod Dishman, Patrick O'Connor, Phillip Tomporowski


Número de Páginas: 544

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2013

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Exercise Psychology, Second Edition, addresses the psychological and biological consequences of exercise and physical activity and their subsequent effects on mood and mental health. Like the first edition, the text includes the latest scholarship by leading experts in the field of exercise adoption and adherence. This edition also incorporates research on lifestyle physical activity to reflect this growing area of study over recent years.

In contrast to other exercise psychology textbooks grounded in social psychology, Exercise Psychology, Second Edition, presents a psychobiolocal approach that examines the inner workings of the body and their effects on behavior. From this unique perspective, readers will learn the biological foundations of exercise psychology within the broader contexts of cognitive, social, and environmental influences. By exploring the biological mechanisms associated with individuals’ behavior, Exercise Psychology, Second Edition, challenges students and researchers to critically examine less-explored methods for positive behavior change.

To reflect the continued growth of information in exercise psychology since the first edition was published, the second edition of Exercise Psychology offers the following new features:

Three new chapters on exercise and cognitive function, energy and fatigue, and pain

Thoroughly revised chapters on the correlates of exercise, neuroscience, stress, depression, and sleep

An image bank featuring figures and tables from the text that can be used for course discussion and presentation
Part I. Introduction and Basic Concepts
Chapter 1. Foundations of Exercise Psychology
Chapter 2. Basic Concepts in Exercise Psychology
Chapter 3. Behavioral Neuroscience

Part II. Exercise and Mental Health
Chapter 4. Stress
Chapter 5. Affect, Mood, and Emotion
Chapter 6. Anxiety
Chapter 7. Depression
Chapter 8. Cognition
Chapter 9. Energy and Fatigue
Chapter 10. Sleep
Chapter 11. Pain
Chapter 12. Self-Esteem

Part III. The Psychology of Physical Activity Behavior
Chapter 13. Correlates of Exercise and Physical Activity
Chapter 14. Theories of Behavior Change
Chapter 15. Interventions to Change Physical Activity Behavior
Chapter 16. Perceived Exertion
Janet Buckworth, PhD, is an associate professor of exercise science at Ohio State University in Columbus, where she teaches upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses on behavior change in exercise. She has written and presented extensively on exercise psychology and behavior change.

Respected for her expertise in the field, Buckworth has been invited as a keynote presenter for several conferences on exercise psychology and exercise and depression. She is also the recipient of an NIH grant for her research in exercise adherence.

Rod K. Dishman, PhD, is a professor of exercise science, adjunct professor of psychology, and codirector of the Exercise Psychology Laboratory at the University of Georgia at Athens. He has served as a consultant on exercise to government agencies in the United States, Canada, and Europe. His research has been funded by the NIH, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American Heart Association, and the United State Olympic Committee (USUC).

Patrick J. O’Connor, PhD, is a professor of exercise science and the codirector of the Exercise Psychology Laboratory at the University of Georgia at Athens. He has served as a consultant to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on their 2007-2008 Physical Activity Guidelines.

He has presented original research at 80 conferences, written numerous journal articles, and contributed to several books. O’Connor is fellow of the American Academy of Kinesiology and Physical Education and American College of Sports Medicine and scientific advisor to the International Life Sciences Institute.

Phillip Tomporowski, PhD, is a professor of kinesiology and director of the Cognition and Skill Acquisition Laboratory at the University of Georgia at Athens. He has coauthored three books, coedited two texts, and authored numerous book chapters and journal articles. He has served as a consultant to university extension programs, international programs, local community service programs, and governmental and nongovernmental agencies in the United States and the United Kingdom. Tomporowski is a fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine.


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