

Essentials of Eccentric Training With Online Video

ISBN: 9781450468305

Autores: Len Kravitz, Aaron Bubbico


Número de Páginas: 280

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2015

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Essentials of Eccentric Training is the first comprehensive resource covering this innovative approach to resistance training and conditioning that produces extraordinary results. Backed by evidence-based studies and readily incorporated into training programs, eccentric training provides greater intensity to help individuals push past plateaus and increase muscular strength, endurance, and power. Using eccentric training, strength and conditioning professionals and personal trainers can also help their clients improve metabolism, manage their weight, and facilitate injury rehabilitation.
Chapter 1. Understanding Muscular Structure and the Physiological Mechanisms of Concentric and Eccentric Action
Chapter 2. Discovering the Eccentric Training Methods
Chapter 3. Boosting the Metabolism With Eccentric Exercise
Chapter 4. Eliminating Muscle Soreness With the Repeated Bout Approach
Chapter 5. Eccentric Training for Strength
Chapter 6. Eccentric Training for Endurance
Chapter 7. Eccentric Training for Explosive Power
Chapter 8. Eccentric Training for Weight Loss
Chapter 9. Eccentric Training for Muscle Hypertrophy
Chapter 10. Eccentric Exercise and Rehabilitation
Len Kravitz, PhD, an international fitness expert, has been an associate professor of exercise science at the University of New Mexico since 1999 and the coordinator of the department since 2000. A leader in the fitness industry for three decades, he has written more than 250 peer-reviewed articles.

Aaron Bubbico, MS, earned his master’s degree in exercise science from the University of New Mexico. During his undergraduate and graduate studies, his work was published in the IDEA Fitness Journal for a cutting-edge review of eccentric exercise training. Bubbico has written another review on current research in muscle hypertrophy.

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