

Enfermagem de Saúde Pública - Cuidados de Saúde na Comunidade Centrados na População - 7ª Edição

ISBN: 9789898075291

Autores: Jeanette Lancaster, Marcia Stanhope


Número de Páginas: 1246

Idioma: Português

Data Edição: 2011

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Admirado como referência para uma cobertura global de enfermagem de saúde pública, este texto prepara-o para o trabalho efectivo com indivíduos, famílias e comunidades. Aborda os múltiplos papéís dos enfermeiros que trabalham na comunidade, a diversidade de clientes de que cuidam e os diferentes contextos da prática. Com este livro, aprenderá a planear e executar intervenções de qualidade e a compreender claramente os temas emergentes e as tendências em enfermagem comunitária.

No texto encontrará:
•Um novo capítulo sobre Roda de Intervenção em Saúde Pública, de Minnesota, que se centra nas principais intervenções de saúde pública, tais como vigilância, rastreio, advocacia e criação de coligações e respectivas aplicações à prática.
•Um novo capítulo sobre vigilância e investigação de surtos de saúde pública, para preparar os estudantes para a monitorização das tendências dos cuidados de saúde através da colheita, análise e interpretação de dados.
•Uma cobertura detalhada de especialidade de enfermagem forense, em expansão, no capítulo Violência e Maus-Tratos.

Marcia Stanhope received her undergraduate degree in nursing from the University of Kentucky and Master of Science in Nursing from Emory University, Atlanta. In 1981, she completed her study at the University of Alabama, Birmingham, for the doctoral degree in public health nursing with a minor in health policy and consultation. Her doctoral study was funded by a research fellowship grant awarded by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Division of Nursing. Her dissertation was titled, "A Concurrent and Retrospective Evaluation of the Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors Affecting Nurse Performance in Home Health Care."

Her areas of research interest include community health and administration, nurse managed care, home health, and nurse practitioner productivity. She also received a grant from the National Institute of Nursing Research to develop an instrument for measuring nursing intensity in home health. Her current research projects include a comparison of clinical preventive services offered in two models of primary care delivery, and evaluation of school health education on children's health behaviors.

While at UK, Stanhope has been principal investigator for the Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Master's Program Component (1986-89) and the Community Nursing Services Administration Master's Program Component (1986-92) funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Division of Nursing. She is currently principal investigator for the Public Health Clinical Specialist Masters Program Component (2000-2003), funded by DHHS, Division of Nursing.

Her involvement in public health policy led to an appointment to the Governor's Task Force for Health Care Reform in 1992. She has presented papers at the local, national and international level, including for the American Public Health Association and the International Congress of Nurses. Stanhope is a fellow of the American Academy of Nurses.


Dr. Jeanette Lancaster served as dean of the School of Nursing from 1989 until 2008. After stepping down as dean, she served as a visiting professor at the School of Nursing, University of Hong Kong. During her tenure at the University of Hong Kong she worked to develop a proposal to change the status of the program in nursing from a Department of Nursing Studies to a School of Nursing. This change became effective in March 2010. She also helped develop a taught doctoral program in nursing that began in Fall 2009. Upon her return to the University of Virginia, she was appointed to the Medical Center Professorship. Dr. Lancaster served as president of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing from 2006-2008. She and her colleague, Dr. Marcia Stanhope, have published 7 editions of Public Health Nursing, and 3 editions of Foundations of Nursing in the Community. She edits the interdisciplinary journal, Family & Community Health.


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