

Energy and the New Reality 1 - Energy Efficiency and the Demand for Energy Services

ISBN: 9781849710725

Autor: L.D. Danny Harvey


Número de Páginas: 600

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2010

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Reducing and managing humanity's demand for energy is a fundamental part of the effort to mitigate climate change. In this, the most comprehensive textbook ever written on the subject, L.D. Danny Harvey lays out the theory and practice of how things must change if we are to meet our energy needs sustainably. The book begins with a succinct summary of the scientific basis for concern over global warming, then outlines energy basics and current patterns and trends in energy use. This is followed by a discussion of current and advanced technologies for the generation of electricity from fossil fuels. The book then considers in detail how energy is used, and how this use can be dramatically reduced, in the following end-use sectors:

- buildings
- transportation
- industry
- food and agriculture
- municipal services

The findings from these sector-by-sector assessments are then applied to generate scenarios of how global energy demand could evolve over the coming decades with full implementation of the identified and economically-feasible energy-saving potential. The book ends with a brief discussion of policies that can be used to reduce energy demand, but also addresses the limits of technologically-based improvements in efficiency in moderating demand and of the need to re-think some of our underlying assumptions concern ends with a brief discusing what we really need. Along with its companion volume on C-free energy supply, and accompanied by extensive supplementary online material, this is an essential resource for students and practitioners in engineering, architecture, environment and energy related fields.
Online material includes: Excel-based computational exercises, teaching slides for each chapter, links to free software tools.

'Scientific understanding and technological options can provide a successful approach to energy for sustainable development. Improved energy efficiency offers multiple sustainability benefits, including climate change mitigation. What are needed are political will, financial commitment and social readiness. This book is essential in today's debate.'
Thomas B. Johansson, Professor, Lund University, Sweden

'Energy Efficiency and the Demand for Energy Services is remarkable for the scope of its coverage - the whole problem, not just a slice - and its depth, clarity and approachability. It will serve as an excellent textbook for a wide range of energy-related university-level courses.'
John Straube, Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering & School of Architecture, University of Waterloo, Canada

'As energy advances to be the "front burner" issue that it needs to be and remain, texts like these are vitally needed for the new generation of energy researchers and leaders.'
Daniel M. Kammen, Class of 1935 Distinguished Professor of Energy, University of California


List of acronyms and abbreviations

Chapter Highlights

1. Prospective Climatic Change, Impacts and Constraints

2. Energy basics, Usage Patterns and Trends and Related Greenhouse Gas and Pollutant Emissions

3. Generation of Electricity from Fossil Fuels

4. Energy Use in Buildings

5. Transportation Energy Use

6. Industrial Energy Use

7. Agricultural and Food-System Energy Use

8. Municipal Services

9. Community-Integrated Energy Systems

10. Pathways to the future

11. Policies to Reduce the Demand for Energy

Appendix A: Units and Conversion Factors

Appendix B: Heating Values of Fuels and Energy Equivalents

Appendix C: Definitions of Country Groups

Appendix D: Financial Parameters

Appendix E: Alternative Measures of Transportation Fuel Efficiency

Appendix F: Web Sites with More Information

Danny Harvey is a Professor in the Department of Geography at the University of Toronto. He began his career over 25 years ago in the area of computer climate simulation and analysis, but has gradually shifted to the analysis of energy systems and prospects for stabilizing atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations at relatively non-threatening levels. He is author of the Handbook on Low-Energy Buildings and Community-Integrated Energy Systems, which provides a comprehensive guide on how to design buildings to use one-quarter of the energy compared to current conventional practice.


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