

Electronics: Principles and Applications ISE - 10ª ed.

ISBN: 9781266220050

Autor: Charles A. Schuler


Número de Páginas: 640

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2024

68,35 €75,95 €
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Electronics: Principles and Applications, 10e, requires no prior knowledge of electrical theory and principles. This text has been written at a level that allows students with limited math and reading skills to gain a clear understanding, and provides the entry-level knowledge and skills for a wide range of occupations within electricity and electronics. The text also offers a wildly popular Experiments Manual.

The new edition of Electronics: Principles and Applications, is also in McGraw Hill Connect, featuring SmartBook 2.0, Adaptive Learning Assignments, and more!
Ch. 1 Introduction

Ch. 2 Semiconductors

Ch. 3 Diodes

Ch. 4 Power Supplies

Ch. 5 Transistors

Ch. 6 Introduction to Small-Signal Amplifiers

Ch. 7 More About Small-Signal Amplifiers

Ch. 8 Large-Signal Amplifiers

Ch. 9 Operational Amplifiers

Ch. 10 Troubleshooting

Ch. 11 Oscillators

Ch. 12 Communications

Ch. 13 Integrated Circuits

Ch. 14 Electronic Control Devices and Circuits

Ch. 15 Regulated Power Supplies

Ch. 16 Digital Signal Processing
Charles A. Schuler

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