

ECG Interpretation for the Clinical Exercise Physiologist

ISBN: 9780781778657

Autores: Christopher Dunbar, Barry Saul

Editora: LWW

Número de Páginas: 0

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2009

62,96 €69,96 €
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This is the first ECG book on the market that addresses the specific needs of those in the exercise science field. Because it's written for clinical exercise physiologists and exercise specialists, it enables readers to tailor stress tests and cardiac rehabilitation programs to meet the needs of their patients. Beginning with an introduction to basic concepts and measurements, the book explores rhythm and atrioventricular blocks followed by discussions of such key topics as infarct, hypertrophy, axis, and conduction defects. The text includes exercise-related case studies and incorporates ACSM guidelines, so it can be used for certification candidates.
1.Basic Terminology and Measurements
2.Supraventricular Rhythms I
3.Supraventricular Rhythms II
4.Ventricular Rhythms
5.Electronic Pacemakers
6.Atrioventricular Blocks
10.Conduction Defects
11.Ischemia and Infarct
13.Systematic Interpretation of ECG and Review
14.ECG and Exercise Testing

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