

Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery-2nd Edition

ISBN: 9780736067898

Autor: Eric Franklin


Número de Páginas: 448

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2012

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Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery, Second Edition, expands on the classic text and reference written by Eric Franklin, an internationally renowned teacher, dancer, and choreographer who has been sharing his imagery techniques for 25 years.

In this new edition, Franklin shows you how to use imagery, touch, and movement exercises to improve your coordination and alignment.
Part I: Posture and Dynamic Alignment
Chapter 1: Roots of Imagery for Alignment
Chapter 2: Postural Models and Dynamic Alignment
Chapter 3: Foundations of Mental Imagery
Chapter 4: Change Through Imagery
Chapter 5: Benefits and Types of Imagery
Chapter 6: General Guidelines Before Using Imagery

Part II: Biomechanical and Anatomical Principles and Exercises
Chapter 7: Finding Your Center and Befriending Gravity
Chapter 8: Laws of Motion and Force Systems
Chapter 9: Joint and Muscle Function

Part III: Exercises for Anatomical Imagery
Chapter 10: Pelvis, Hip Joint, and Company
Chapter 11: Knee, Lower Leg, and Foot
Chapter 12: Spine and Body Wall
Chapter 13: Shoulders, Arms, and Hands
Chapter 14: Head and Neck
Chapter 15: Rib Cage, Breath, and Organs

Part IV: Returning to Holistic Alignment
Chapter 16: Definitions of Dynamic Alignment
Chapter 17: Integrating Dynamic Alignment Exercises
Eric Franklin is director and founder of the Franklin Institute in Uster, Switzerland. He has more than 35 years' experience as a dancer and choreographer, and he has shared imagery techniques in his teaching since 1986.


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