

Design of Steel Structures - 2nd Edition

ISBN: 9789291471348

Editora: CMM

Número de Páginas: 511

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2016

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his book details the fundamental concepts of Eurocode 3, Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings and their practical application. Following a discussion of the Eurocode 3 basis of design, including the principles of reliability management and the limit state approach, the steel material standards and their use under Eurocode 3 are detailed. Structural analysis and modelling are presented in a chapter that will assist the design engineer in the first stages of design. This is followed by a major chapter that provides the design criteria and approaches for the various types of structural members. The theoretical basis and checking procedures are closely tied to the Eurocode requirements, making for a unique presentation of theory into practice. The following chapters expand on the principles and applications of elastic and plastic design of steel structures. Throughout the book, many design examples presented represent a significant part of the manual. These examples will facilitate the acceptance of the code and provide for a smooth transition from earlier national codes to the Eurocode. This 2nd edition incorporates new material on torsion of steel members and additional design exemples.


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