

Creating Experience Value in Tourism

ISBN: 9781786395030

Autores: Nina K Prebensen, Joseph S Chen, Muzaffer Uysal

Editora: CABI

Número de Páginas: 272

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2018

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Research delivers a multitude of approaches to value creation, represented here as a set of definitions, perspectives and interpretations of how tourists, as customers, create value alone and with others. Now updated throughout, Creating Experience Value in Tourism, 2nd Edition provides a clarification of these approaches as well as a practical translation as to how they can work within industry. Including a framework to distinguish among key resources or antecedents of customer value, this new edition: - Introduces the concept of co-creation of value in the tourist experience, looking at the definitions, structures and models available; - Provides a new chapter addressing value creation and resource configuration; - Considers consumer behaviour and factors affecting value creation from both physiological and psychological perspectives; - Introduces a new full colour internal design to aid understanding. Concluding with a summary of the areas for future research, this is a key resource for researchers, particularly those interested in experience value and co-creation, as well as a useful read for students of tourism and related industries.
1: Co-creation of Tourist Experience: Scope, Definition and Structure
2: Dynamic Drivers of Tourist Experiences
3: Tourist Experience Value: Tourist Experience and Life Satisfaction
4: Conceptualization of Value Co-creation in the Tourism Context
5: Why, Oh Why, Oh Why, Do People Travel Abroad?
6: Self-congruity Theory in Travel and Tourism: Another Update
7: Moving People: a Conceptual Framework for Understanding How Visitor Experiences can be Enhanced by Mindful Attention to Interest
8: Co-creation of Experience Value: a Tourist Behaviour Approach
9: Authenticity as a Value Co-creator of Tourism Experiences
10: Experience Co-creation Depends on Rapport-building: Training Implications for the Service Frontline
11: Approaches for the Evaluation of Visitor Experiences at Tourist Attractions
12: Storytelling in a Co-creation Perspective
13: Tourist Information Search: A DIY Approach to Creating Experience Value
14: Co-creation of Value and Social Media: How?
15: Prices and Value in Co-produced Hospitality and Tourism Experiences
16: Value Creation: a Tourism Mobilities Perspective
17: Guide Performance: Co-created Experiences for Tourist Immersion
18: Value Creation and Co-creation in Tourist Experiences: an East Asian Cultural Knowledge Framework Approach
19: Perspectives on Value Creation - Resource Configuration
20: Value Co-creation: Challenges and Future Research Directions
Nina K Prebensen (Edited By)
is a Professor at Buskerud and Vestfold University College and at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. She has published papers in various tourism journals. Her research focuses particularly on the tourist decision and experience processes, where co-creation of value for hosts and guests are in focus. Her teaching experiences include marketing, tourism marketing and management, service quality and branding strategies. Prebensen has been part of 25 business boards, and has a long history in co-operating with the tourism industry.

Joseph S Chen (Edited By)
Dr. Joseph S. Chen is a faculty member of the Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Studies at Indiana University at Bloomington, USA. He has been identified by premier tourism/hospitality journals (Tourism Management and Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research) as one of the leading tourism scholars worldwide. He has received international research awards and fellowships including US Fulbright Senior Scholar.

Muzaffer Uysal (Edited By)
Muzaffer Uysal is a professor and chair in the Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management - Isenberg School of Management at University of Massachusetts. He is a member of International Academy for the Study of Tourism, the Academy of Leisure Sciences, and serves as co-founder of Tourism Analysis: An Interdisciplinary Journal. In addition, he sits on the editorial boards of more than ten journals, including Journal of Travel Research and Annals of Tourism Research. He has authored and co-authored numerous articles, monographs, and several books related to tourism research methods, tourist service satisfaction, tourism and quality-of-life, experience value in tourism, tourism-related scales, and management science applications in tourism and hospitality. Dr. Uysal has received a number of awards for research, excellence in international education, teaching excellence, and best paper awards. His current research interests focus on tourism demand/supply interaction, tourism development, and quality-of-life research in tourism.

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