

Core Assessment and Training

ISBN: 9780736073844

Autor: Jason Brumitt


Número de Páginas: 160

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2010

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Our understanding of the importance of core health for injury prevention, athletic performance, and rehabilitation grows each day. Make sure you can offer your clients safe and effective programs with Core Assessment and Training. In this book, you will learn to assess each client’s baseline core function and develop an individualized program to meet his or her needs.

In Core Assessment and Training, expert Jason Brumitt covers all aspects of core training—from basic to advanced core exercises, stretches, and plyometrics. Whether you are a personal trainer, strength coach, or rehabilitation professional, this reference will help you learn these essentials:

Functional anatomy of the core musculature
Core assessment and functional testing techniques
Fundamentals of program design for core training
Special considerations for core training for various sports and core-specific injuries and conditions
Chapter 1: Introduction to Core Stability Training
Chapter 2: Functional Anatomy of the Core
Chapter 3: The Client Interview: The First Step in Assessing Your Client
Chapter 4: Physical Assessment and Functional Testing
Chapter 5: Fundamentals of Program Design
Chapter 6: Core Exercises
Chapter 7: Core Flexibility
Chapter 8: Plyometric Training
Chapter 9: Special Considerations for Core Training
Jason Brumitt, MSPT, SCS, ATC, CSCS*D, is an instructor of physical therapy at Pacific University in Hillsboro, Oregon. He earned his master of science degree in physical therapy from Pacific University and is currently a doctoral candidate at Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions. Brumitt is board certified in sports physical therapy and certified as an athletic trainer. He is also a certified strength and conditioning specialist with distinction. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, he provides clinical rehabilitation services to the student-athletes of Pacific University.

Brumitt is the author of “Ounce of Prevention,” a regularly featured column in the National Strength and Conditioning Association’s (NSCA) Performance Training Journal. He has published numerous articles on sports medicine and strength training in the North American Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, the New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy, Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, Strength and Conditioning Journal, and Athletic Therapy Today. Brumitt has presented lectures on core training at local and national professional conferences as an invited speaker for both the NSCA and the Northwest Athletic Trainers’ Association (NWATA).

Brumitt, his wife, and their three children reside in Damascus, Oregon.

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