

Concepts and Methods for Steel Intensive Building Projects

ISBN: 9789291471065

Editora: CMM

Número de Páginas: 130

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2012

44,10 €49,00 €
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This publication is the book of proceedings of the workshop on concepts and methods for steel intensive building projects and it is a joint effort of the SB_Steel Project, Technical Committee TC14 of ECCS and the WG3 of the ESTEP. The Sustainable Building in Steel Project (SB_Steel) aims at improved competitive capacity of the steel construction sector by providing concepts and methods of sustainable steel-intensive building. A science-based approach to sustainability-conscious decisionmaking is being developed for the early building project phases that are crucial for value and performance of the completed building (predesign/ concept phase) and for the choice of design scheme. The European Steel echnology Platform ESTEP offers a global vision on the innovation and R&D initiatives which will lead to the achievement of identified objectives toward a sustainable steel industry. Its Working Group 3 presents the strategic research agenda for the construction and infrastructure sector with an emphasis on two main areas namely: Safe and Healthy Steel Construction and Sustainable Steel Construction. These strategic research areas address challenges in manufacturing and construction with emphasis on structural safety, improved health and comfort, advanced prefabrication technologies, structural quality in renovations, energy-efficiency, recyclability, reuse and the overall improvement of the built environment.


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