

Communicating in the Agriculture Industry

ISBN: 9781401808891

Autor: Russell A. Graves

Editora: CENGAGE

Número de Páginas: 352

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2005

114,47 €127,19 €
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In the contemporary agriculture industry, the need for effective communication is more important now than it ever has been. Issues like food safety, environmental concerns, and animal rights matters make it essential for members of the agriculture industry to take public and environmental concerns seriously when planning farm to family production operations. This book encompasses many facets of the transforming agriculture communications industry and prepares students for careers in this field. Providing instruction and hands-on activities, it covers a range of media topics, industry employment opportunities, and discusses information on the industry as a whole. The book gives guidelines for public speaking and teaches effective writing styles and Web page design that will give students valuable skills as they enter the work place. Examples and other chapter activities enrich the text and reinforce principles that students learn from application.


Introduces various disciplines of agriculture communications to initiate a starting point for further investigation
Delves into more areas of the trade than other books on the subject to give readers insights on writing, Internet design, public speaking, photography, and other topics
Organizes material so that each discipline builds on one another to allow readers to bring all of the elements together
Provides numerous real-world assignments and examples to help users connect to this field of study
Presents a dynamic design with photos and sidebars for visual appeal, easier reading, and referencing
Offers up-to-date discussions on the latest photo technology, writing styles, Internet protocols, and job/industry information for added value to the reader
Chapter 1: The Agriculture Communications Industry - An Overview.
Chapter 2: The Agricultural Style.
Chapter 3: Gathering the Facts.
Chapter 4: Writing for Agriculture. Chapter 5: The Electronic Media. Chapter 6: Photography - Illustrating the Story. Chapter 7: Speaking for the Public. Chapter 8: Page Layout - Putting it all Together. Chapter 9: Working as a Freelancer. Chapter 10: Careers in Ag Communication.
Russell A. Graves

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