

Coffee Wilt Disease

ISBN: 9781845936419

Autor: J Flood

Editora: CABI

Número de Páginas: 240

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2010

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Coffee Wilt Disease has cost African coffee farmers an estimated US$1 billion to date, resulting from reduced yields and the extra costs incurred in trying to manage the disease. This devastating fungal disease has destroyed millions of coffee trees in affected countries across Africa and will be a contributory factor in any attempt at revitalization of the African coffee sector in the future. This book is one of the outputs of the Regional Coffee Wilt Programme and is a compilation of the current knowledge of various aspects of CWD, including information about the pathogen, its spread and importantly its management
1. Introduction
2. Coffee Wilt Disease in Democratic Republic of Congo
3. Coffee Wilt Disease in Uganda
4. Coffee Wilt Disease in Ethiopia
5. Status of Coffee Wilt Disease in Tanzania
6. Socio-Economic Impact of Coffee Wilt Disease
7. Biology, Taxonomy and Epidemiology of the Coffee Wilt Pathogen Gibberella xylarioides sensu lato
8. Host-Pathogen Interations in Coffea-Gibberella xylarioides pathosystem
9. Management of Coffee Wilt Disease
10. Breeding for Resistance against Coffee Wilt Disease
11. Extension Approaches and Information Dissemination for Coffee Wilt Disease Management in Africa: Experiences from Ethiopia
12. Concluding Remarks
J Flood, CABI Bioscience, Egham, UK


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