
Coaching Positive Development

ISBN: 9789728969301

Autores: Fernando Santos, Dany MacDonald, Leisha Strachan, Paulo Pereira


Número de Páginas: 268

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2019

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This book focuses on providing a comprehensive understanding about coaching positive youth development. We attempt to present multiple perspectives from researchers across a wide range of coaching contexts, cultures and sport systems.

Throughout the last decades, positive youth development has become a commonly utilised framework as research in non-english speaking countries and within a vast array of cultures, coaching contexts and sport systems has started to grow.

Considering this tendency in positive youth development research, this book aims to provide an in-depth incursion into what we know and need to know concerning coaching positive youth development and positive youth development-focused coach education across multiple contexts/sport systems.

Although there are still many grey areas such as the lack of consensus in providing an operational definition of positive youth development and identifying how positive youth development-focused coach education programs could be framed to foster better outcomes in youth participants, many advances have been made.

These advances reflect how the field has progressed over the last decades and provide novel insight as new problems and research questions emerge.
Coaching Positive Youth Development around the World
Foreword Contributions of the national Plan of ethics in sport to Coach education
Contributions of Positive Youth Development for systemic Change: how can we move forward?

Section 1. Conceptual Issues

Youth sport Programs: Distal systems, Dynamic elements and optimal Climates for Positive Youth Development
Conceptualizing life skills transfer within the Positive Youth Development Paradigm
Coaching with intentionality: Working towards explicit approaches for life skills Development
History, assessment, and Future of sport-based Youth Development Programs

Section 2. Coaching Positive Development and coach education

The Role of Coach education: Past and Current Challenges
Learning environments for helping Coaches and other Key stakeholders include life skills in their Practice
Coach education for the next Decade: the need for a Positive Youth Development Paradigm
Coaching for Positive Youth Development through sport: toward a Relational Developmental systems approach
Sports, social Programs and Coaches in Brazil: Fostering Positive Youth Development
A Knowledge translation approach to Positive Youth Development:the PYDsportnet Project
Coaching the Youth sport Coach: integrating theory and Pedagogy through adventure-Based experience
Project SCORE: Development, implementation and future directions of an online resource for coaches
Positive sport Development in emerging adulthood: Unpacking a Research Program on Canadian University sport
Teaching Coaches and athletes with Purpose
Positive Youth Development through Boxing: the new Zealand experience
Fernando Santos, Dany MacDonald, Leisha Strachan e Paulo Pereira

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