

Client-Centered Exercise Prescription 3rd Edition With Web Resource

ISBN: 9781450453325

Autor: John C. Griffin


Número de Páginas: 496

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2015

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Client-Centered Exercise Prescription, Third Edition With Web Resource, emphasizes a personalized approach to exercise in which unique programs meet the interests and needs of individual clients. This resource will help you to prescribe exercise and guide clients in adopting, enjoying, and maintaining active lifestyles.

Client-Centered Exercise Prescription, Third Edition, expands the role of the fitness professional from simple exercise prescription to include activity counseling, design modification, exercise demonstration, functionally integrated exercise, injury prevention, and follow-up monitoring for a variety of clients. Central to the book are seven client-centered models for each major fitness component that serve as a template of options for each decision in the prescription process: activity counseling, musculoskeletal exercise design, exercise demonstration, cardiovascular exercise prescription, resistance training prescription, muscle balance and flexibility prescription, and weight management prescription.
Part I: Foundations of Client-Centered Exercise Prescription

Chapter 1. Activity Counseling Model
Chapter 2. Client-Centered Motivational Strategies
Chapter 3. Principles of Client-Centered Prescription
Chapter 4. Client-Centered Assessment
Chapter 5. Exercise Analysis, Design, and Demonstration

Part II: Client-Centered Exercise Prescription

Chapter 6. Client-Centered Cardiovascular Exercise Prescription Model
Chapter 7. Client-Centered Resistance Training Prescription Model
Chapter 8. Client-Centered Functionally Integrated Exercise
Chapter 9. Client-Centered Weight Management Prescription Model

Part III: Exercise Prescription for Injuries and Older Adults

Chapter 10. Causes and Prevention of Overuse Injuries
Chapter 11. Exercise Prescription for Specific Injuries
Chapter 12. Exercise and Musculoskeletal Conditions in Older Adults
Chapter 13. Exercise Prescription for Older Adults
Chapter 14. Functional Mobility and Aging
John C. Griffin, MSc, is an award-winning retired professor, private consultant, speaker, writer for public and private sector organizations, and coach for more than 40 years. Griffin has authored more than 100 publications, including the first two editions of Client-Centered Exercise Prescription. He also contributed chapters in the grade 12 Exercise Sciences and Healthy Active Living textbooks. Recently, he has conducted research on the functional mobility of older adults and developed a screening tool and exercise prescription algorithm.

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