

Christian Paths to Health and Wellness-2nd Edition

ISBN: 9781450424547

Autores: Peter Walters, John Byl


Número de Páginas: 328

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2013

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Christian Paths to Health and Wellness, Second Edition, offers a unique, faith-based perspective on the pursuit of wellness for body, mind, and spirit. Written for undergraduate students attending Christian universities, this updated edition also serves as a reference for anyone seeking God-pleasing guidance to make positive life changes.

Christian Paths to Health and Wellness will help you

develop cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, and flexibility;
apply principles of good nutrition;
manage stress and better understand other issues affecting emotional wellness;
learn the importance of regular, sound sleep; and
understand how to develop and maintain healthy relationships.

In this new edition, you’ll find the latest research on nutrition and fitness woven into an engaging narrative complemented by true stories of personal empowerment. This inspiring book will help you take charge of your health, learn about the importance of physical wellness to the whole person, and apply aspects of behavior modification in reaching your goals.

Like the first edition, Christian Paths to Health and Wellness, Second Edition, draws on the expertise and perspective of a team of Christian academics engaged in teaching health and wellness courses with a Christian foundation. Learning features in the text, including chapter outcomes and review questions, offer guideposts for retaining and referencing information. Application activities help you reflect on chapter content as you consider, through exercises and written reflections, how to translate what you’ve learned to your own life. "Point/counterpoint" discussions give you a forum for discussing a topic from alternative perspectives. In addition, a glossary defines new terms, which are highlighted in bold type throughout the text and included in lists of key terms in each chapter. For instructors, free access to online ancillaries, including an instructor guide, presentation package with image bank, and test package, offer comprehensive support for course delivery and assessment.

Psalm 119 reminds us that God’s word "is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." In this way, the second edition of Christian Paths to Health and Wellness considers how scripture speaks about caring for your whole being and encourages you—through tools, information, and strategies—to live a focused life fixed on godly physical goals.
Part I: Understanding Your Wellness and Mission
Chapter 1. Valuing Wellness
John Byl
Next Steps
Learning Tools

Chapter 2. God’s Purpose and Your Life’s Mission
John Byl and Dianne E. Moroz
God’s Mission
Making God’s Purposes Your Purposes
Pressures That Shape Life’s Mission
Your Mission Statement
Goals for the Journey
Next Steps
Learning Tools

Part II. Accepting and Caring for Your Body
Chapter 3. Examining Body Image and Eating Disorders in Women and Men
Heather Strong and John Byl
Introduction to Dieting, Weight Preoccupation, and Body Image
What Are Eating Disorders?
How Prevalent Are Eating Disorders?
What Causes Eating Disorders?
What God Wants for People
Recovery From an Eating Disorder
Next Steps
Learning Tools

Chapter 4. Weight Control
John Byl
Step 1: State the Goal
Step 2: Assess Your Present Lifestyle
Step 3: Design a Specific Plan
Step 4: Predict Obstacles
Step 5: Plan Intervention Strategies
Step 6: Assess Compliance With the Plan
Step 7: Assess Progress of Your Overall Goal
Next Steps
Learning Tools

Part III. Moving Your Body
Chapter 5. Cardiorespiratory Assessment and Training
Dianne Moroz
What Is Cardiorespiratory Exercise?
Benefiting From Cardiorespiratory Exercise
Understanding the Three Energy Systems
What Is Cardiorespiratory Fitness?
Evaluating Cardiorespiratory Fitness
Discouraged After Your Aerobic Assessment? Consider This . . .
What to Expect From Training
Outlining an Aerobic Exercise Prescription
Sample Cardiorespiratory Fitness Programs
Next Steps
Learning Tools

Chapter 6. Muscular Strength Assessment and Training
Peter Walters
Five Major Benefits of Strength Training
Basic Muscle Anatomy
Basic Muscle Physiology
Assessing Muscular Strength
Types of Strength Training
Strength-Training Program
Common Questions
Safety in Strength Training Next Steps
Learning Tools

Chapter 7. Flexibility Assessment and Training
Peter Walters What Is Flexibility?
Five Factors That Affect Flexibility
Benefits of Flexibility
Assessing Your Flexibility
Five Types of Stretching
Six Guidelines for Maximum Flexibility Next Steps
Learning Tools

Part IV. Understanding Your Behaviors
Chapter 8. Nutritional Health and Wellness
Peter Walters
Digestive System
Six Major Nutrient Groups
Nutrition Guidelines and Principles
Three Principles to Remember in MyPlate
Your Personal Plate
Canadian Food Guide
Vegetarian Alternative
Next Steps
Learning Tools

Chapter 9. Emotional Health and Wellness
Peter Walters, Doug Needham, and Bud Williams
Stress and the Mind–Body Connection
Pros and Cons of Stress
When Stress Turns Ugly
Happiness and Life Satisfaction
Next Steps
Learning Tools

Chapter 10. Sleep Habits and Wellness
Peter Walters
Importance of Rhythms, Cycles, and Sleep
Chronic Sleep Deprivation
Are You Sleep Deprived?
Sleep Thieves
Effects of Sleep Deprivation
Architecture of Sleep
How Much Sleep Do You Need?
How to Sleep Like a LogNext Steps
Learning Tools

Chapter 11. Personal Relationships and Wellness
Peter Walters
Identifying Your SHAPE
Spiritual Gifts
Celebrating Your Unique SHAPE
The "No Goodness" of Being Alone
Three Spiritual Practices for Deepening Relational Roots Next Steps
Learning Tools

Part V. Conclusion
Chapter 12. Offering Your Life as a Living Sacrifice
John Byl
Tools for Achieving Wellness
Seven Steps to Wellness Next Steps
Learning Tools
Peter Walters, PhD, is a professor in the department of applied health science at Wheaton College, a private, interdenominational Christian college in Illinois. Since 1996, he has directed the wellness program at the university level, during which he has evaluated the health and wellness behavior of more than 5,000 college students. He has taught health and wellness courses for almost two decades. Before his career in academics, Walters was actively involved in several parachurch organizations, including Campus Crusade for Christ, the Navigators, and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. In addition to these ministry opportunities, he served as director of student ministries in three churches.

John Byl, PhD, is a professor of physical education at Redeemer University College in Ancaster, Ontario, Canada, where he teaches wellness courses. Byl is a member of the Christian Society for Kinesiology and Leisure Studies (CSKLS) and is the host of their listserv. He is also a host of the listserv for Church Sports and Recreation Ministers (CSRM), an organization that connects church recreation and sport.


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