

Teaching Responsibility, Interaction, and Group Dynamics

ISBN: 9780736072069

Autor: Judy Demers


Número de Páginas: 168

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2008

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Preteens and teens need help in acquiring the social skills to appropriately handle challenging situations. Without those skills, a minor disagreement can often escalate into a physical confrontation. And that’s where Character-Building Activities: Teaching Responsibility, Interaction, and Group Dynamics comes in.

This book provides nearly 100 activities that will help children and young adults

gain a better sense of what they value based on their character traits,
become more effective communicators, and
discover how to communicate their values and strengthen their convictions.

Character-Building Activities: Teaching Responsibility, Interaction, and Group Dynamics applies directly to preteens and teenagers, but it is easily adapted to younger children. This resource can be used in a variety of settings both in and out of school, including youth groups and curricular areas such as language arts and social studies. The activities are short, clearly described, easy to set up, and ready to use. Teachers or group leaders can pop an activity into an existing lesson plan or use a few in creating a new lesson plan.

Regardless of age and setting, the participants in these activities will learn to deal with a variety of issues, including self-esteem, peer pressure, bullies, anger, and stress. They will also acquire self-reflection skills and have opportunities to share their values and listen to other kids as they share theirs.

The self-responsibility, social interaction, and group dynamics involved in this book’s activities will help kids grow and mature.
Chapter 1: Cooperative Activities
From War to Peace
Quick Teach (Peer Teaching Activity)
New Game Development
Life Support
Ultimate Guard
Protect the Core (Guard the Center)
Bridge the Gap (Competition Versus Cooperation)
What Floats Your Boat?
Ping-Pong Obstacle Course
What’s the Difference?
Reverse Polarity
Multiplicity (Tag Game)
Five Alive
Bystanders Unite (Anti-Bullying Activity)
Reach Out
Catch Me Being Good
Make It Right
Character Search
Clean Up Your Own Mess
Abolish Aggression
Stop the Bully
Mixed Bag
Bag It!
Knotty Dilemma
Watch My Back
Carpet-Square Relays
A Handshake to Remember
Peace Starts With Me
Scorpion Tag
Take Me Home

Chapter 2: Developing Self-Esteem
Visualization (A Way to Build Self-Esteem)
See Three (Visual Acuity Activity)
Mystery Tag (Visual Awareness)
Hear Me, Hear Me (Sensory Acuity)
Pride Is the Prize
The Power of Suggestion
Who Am I?
Remember Me
Mixed Emotions
How Tolerant Are You?
Self-Praise Versus Arrogance
Character Scramble
What Do You Value Most?
Choose to Be Enthused
Are You Superstitious?
Share Your Family Traditions
Pride and Purpose
Don’t Cross the Line
The Art of Compromise
Sports Predicament
Give and Take
One Step Back, Two Steps Forward
Peaceful Continuum
The Truth Does Matter
Blind-Faith Soccer
Your Actions Count!
Blind Shuffle
Commitment to Your Team
What Motivates You?
Say You’re Sorry and Mean It!
Attitude Is a Choice
Chapter 3: Reflection Activities
Social Justice
Changing “You” to “I” Messages (Effective Communication)
Character for the Day
Having Privilege Doesn’t Make It Better
Don't Just Criticize—Be Constructive
Goal Setting
Fair Teams?
Team Together
Ask for Help
What Is a Hero?
Character or Not
Role Models
What’s In a Promise
Forgive Yourself and Your Neighbor
Share Your Talents
Fight for a Cause
Be Decisive!
What’s Your Passion?
Respect: Learned or Earned?
Dream Team
Being Responsible
How Do You Handle Stress?
Profess Your Profession
Gender Matters
Have Faith
Share Your Gift
False Assumptions
Don’t Take It Personally
Accusations Hurt!
Respect Is a Two-Way Street
Give Someone a Jump Start
Excuses Don’t Get the Job Done
Rules Were Made to Be Followed
Psychological Benefits of Sports
Conflict Resolution
Initiate, Don’t Just React
Judy Demers currently teaches physical education at Castillero Middle School in San Jose, California. Demers developed the physical education curriculum for her individual classes and the San Jose Unified School District. She has written two professional improvement projects for San Jose Unified School District, one of which she presented at the California Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance conference. She received her bachelor's and master's degrees from San Jose State University. Demers has also served on health and physical education task forces and the California Healthy Kids Material Review Board, and she helped design district standards. Demers has been a member of CAHPERD since 1995 and has been a member of the Bay Area Physical Education and Health Subject Matter Project for several years.

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