

Cecil Essentials of Medicine - 10th Edition

ISBN: 9780323722711

Autores: Edward Wing, Fred Schiffman


Número de Páginas: 1248

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2021

71,54 €79,49 €
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Known for its concise, easy-to-read writing style and comprehensive coverage, Cecil Essentials of Medicine has been a favorite of students, residents, and instructors through nine outstanding editions. This revised 10th Edition continues the tradition of excellence with a focus on high-yield core knowledge of key importance to anyone entering or established in the field of internal medicine. Fully revised and updated by editors Edward J. Wing and Fred J. Schiffman, along with other leading teachers and experts in the field, Cecil Essentials remains clinically focused and solidly grounded in basic science.
Edward Wing
Fred Schiffman

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