


ISBN: 9780736067157

Autores: American Canoe Association Pamela Dillon, Jeremy Oyen


Número de Páginas: 264

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2008

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Canoeing is one of the fastest-growing outdoor activities—more that 9 million people enjoy the experience each year. It allows you to socialize with friends and family while exploring new places as you relax and enjoy the outdoors. Canoeing not only provides you with the basic skills and knowledge you need to safely head out for adventures on a variety of water trails but also presents a strong foundational understanding of this recreational activity.

In Canoeing, the expert instructors from the American Canoe Association provide you with
indispensable advice on gear and equipment selection, food and nutrition, fitness, water trail etiquette, and safety and survival skills;
step-by-step instruction of fundamental paddling skills and techniques;
informative consumer, technique, and safety tips; and
Web-based resources to help you plan trips in the United States and throughout the world.

The authors share all of the background information you’ll need to get started, beginning with descriptions of the various types of canoeing being practiced today to help you determine the type of paddling that suits your needs. They discuss fitness basics, food and nutrition needs, and gear and equipment—from the canoe itself to life jackets, paddles, and clothing. They then cover important safety and survival guidelines, including weather, river hazards, capsizing, cold-water safety, and rescue protocols.

Canoeing will teach you fundamental paddling skills and techniques and help you build on those skills to learn more complicated compound strokes and maneuvers. Now you’re ready for your first adventure. Starting with easy river trips, you move on to more challenging waterways, overnight and extended trips, and canoeing adventures for groups and families—even with dogs!

The book also includes the Quickstart Your Canoe DVD. This instructional DVD guides you through an introduction to paddle sports and basic safety and paddling techniques so you can enjoy a safe boating experience. It contains videos of the essential skills and techniques of canoeing, making it easier than ever to learn the basics.

Throughout the book and DVD, expert instructors provide all the skill instruction and insider tips you need to enjoy canoeing and have a successful adventure while extending your skills for more challenging adventures in the future.

Canoeing is part of the Outdoor Adventures series. This practical series contains the essential information to help you get ready and go. The Outdoor Adventures series will prepare you with instruction in the basic techniques and skills so you can be on your way to an adventure in no time.
Part I Preparing for a Canoeing Adventure

Chapter 1. Going Canoeing

Canoeing, Kayaking, and Paddle Sports
History of Canoeing
Canoeing Today
Where to Canoe
Paddling Venue Resources

Chapter 2. Getting Fit for Canoeing

Four Components to Physical Fitness
Flexibility In and Out of the Canoe
Key Components of an Effective Training Program
Cross-Training and Off-Season Training

Chapter 3. Canoes, Paddles, and Gear

Personal Flotation Devices
Personal and Safety Accessories
Storing Your Gear
Food and Water

Chapter 4. Getting Ready to Paddle

Planning a Trip
Pre-Event Planning Meeting
Day of the Trip
Sharing the Waterways
Canoe Etiquette and Ethics

Chapter 5. Water Safety and Survival Skills

Know Your Boating Abilities and the Waters
River Reading
River Currents
River Obstacles
Cold-Water Safety and Survival Skills
Rescue and Emergency Protocols
SummaryPart II On the Water

Chapter 6. Canoeing Techniques, Strokes, and Maneuvers

Concepts of Paddling
Getting Started
Basic Strokes
Compound Strokes
Customized Strokes

Chapter 7. River Trips

Canoeing on Moving Water
River Maneuvers
River Sense
Vision, Scouting, and Decision Making
River Trip Planning

Chapter 8. Overnight Camping Skills

Trip Planning for Canoe Camping
Selecting a Campsite
Setting Up Camp
Breaking Camp
Camping Safety
Camping With Children
Camping With Dogs

Chapter 9. Pursuing Paddle Sports: Pass It On

Use and Stewardship of Resources
Limitations of Use
Paddler Environmental Ethics
Paddler Standard of Conduct
Paddling Opportunities
The American Canoe Association (ACA) provides education on matters related to paddling, supports stewardship of the paddling environment, and enables programs and events to support paddle sport recreation. Since its founding in 1880, the ACA has actively promoted paddle sports across the United States, providing programs and services to its members and the public.

The ACA helps people and organizations understand how paddle sports can contribute to the quality of life through enabling safe and positive paddling experiences. The association's objective is to be the primary resource to people, organizations, agencies, and regulators for information and guidance on all aspects of paddling.

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