

Biomechanics of Sport and Exercise

ISBN: 9780736079662

Autor: Peter McGinnis


Número de Páginas: 456

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2013

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Taking a unique approach to the presentation of mechanical concepts, Biomechanics of Sport and Exercise, Third Edition With Web Resource and MaxTRAQ Educational 2D Software Access, introduces exercise and sport biomechanics in simple terms. By providing mechanics before functional anatomy, the book helps students understand forces and their effects before studying how body structures deal with forces. Students will learn to appreciate the consequences of external forces, how the body generates internal forces to maintain position, and how forces create movement in physical activities.

Rather than presenting the principles as isolated and abstract, the text enables students to discover the principles of biomechanics for themselves through observation. By examining ordinary activities firsthand, students will develop meaningful explanations resulting in a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanical concepts. This practical approach combines striking visual elements with clear and concise language to encourage active learning and improved comprehension.

This updated edition maintains the organization and features that made previous editions user friendly, such as a quick reference guide of frequently used equations printed on the inside cover and review questions at the end of each chapter to test students’ understanding of important concepts.

Biomechanics of Sport and Exercise, Third Edition With Web Resource and MaxTRAQ Educational 2D Software Access, is supplemented with two companion resources that will help students better comprehend the material. The web resource includes all of the problems from the book, separated by chapter, plus 18 sample problems that guide students step by step through the process of solving. This text is also enhanced with access to MaxTRAQ Educational 2D software for Windows. MaxTRAQ Educational 2D software enables students to analyze and quantify real-world sport movements in video clips and upload their own video content for analysis. The software supplements the final section of the text that bridges the concepts of internal and external forces with the application of biomechanics; it also provides an overview of the technology used in conducting quantitative biomechanical analyses. Access to both online resources is included with new print books.
Introduction: Why Study Biomechanics
What Is Biomechanics?
What Are the Goals of Sport and Exercise Biomechanics?
The History of Sport Biomechanics
The Organization of Mechanics
Basic Dimensions and Units of Measurement Used in Mechanics
Learning Aids

Part I: External Biomechanics: External Forces and Their Effects on the Body and Its Movement
Chapter 1. Forces: Maintaining Equilibrium or Changing Motion
What Are Forces?
Classifying Forces
Addition of Forces: Force Composition
Resolution of Forces
Static Equilibrium
Learning Aids

Chapter 2. Linear Kinematics: Describing Objects in Linear Motion
Linear Kinematics
Uniform Acceleration and Projectile Motion
Learning Aids
Motion Analysis Exercises Using MaxTRAQ

Chapter 3. Linear Kinetics: Explaining the Causes of Linear Motion
Newton’s First Law of Motion: Law of Inertia
Conservation of Momentum
Newton’s Second Law of Motion: Law of Acceleration
Impulse and Momentum
Newton’s Third Law of Motion: Law of Action-Reaction
Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation
Learning Aids
Motion Analysis Exercises Using MaxTRAQ

Chapter 4. Work, Power, and Energy: Explaining the Causes of Motion Without Newton
The Work–Energy Relationship
Learning Aids
Motion Analysis Exercises Using MaxTRAQ

Chapter 5. Torques and Moments of Force: Maintaining Equilibrium or Changing Angular Motion
What Are Torques?
Forces and Torques in Equilibrium
What Is Center of Gravity?
Learning Aids

Chapter 6. Angular Kinematics: Describing Objects in Angular Motion
Angular Position and Displacement
Angular and Linear Displacement
Angular Velocity
Angular and Linear Velocity
Angular Acceleration
Angular and Linear Acceleration
Anatomical System for Describing Limb Movements
Learning Aids
Motion Analysis Exercises Using MaxTRAQ

Chapter 7. Angular Kinetics: Explaining the Causes of Angular Motion
Angular Inertia
Angular Momentum
Angular Interpretation of Newton’s First Law of Motion
Angular Interpretation of Newton’s Second Law of Motion
Angular Impulse and Angular Momentum
Angular Interpretation of Newton’s Third Law of Motion
Learning Aids

Chapter 8. Fluid Mechanics: The Effects of Water and Air
Buoyant Force: Force Due to Immersion
Dynamic Fluid Force: Force Due to Relative Motion
Learning Aids

Part II: Internal Biomechanics: Internal Forces and Their Effects on the Body and Its Movement
Chapter 9. Mechanics of Biological Materials: Stresses and Strains on the Body
Mechanical Properties of Materials: The Stress–Strain Relationship
Mechanical Properties of the Musculoskeletal System
Learning Aids

Chapter 10. The Skeletal System: The Rigid Framework of the Body
Learning Aids

Chapter 11. The Muscular System: The Motors of the Body
The Structure of Skeletal Muscle
Muscle Action
Muscle Contraction Force
Learning Aids

Chapter 12. The Nervous System: Control of the Musculoskeletal System
The Nervous System and the Neuron
The Motor Unit
Receptors and Reflexes
Learning AidsPart III: Applying Biomechanical Principles
Chapter 13. Qualitative Biomechanical Analysis to Improve Technique
Types of Biomechanical Analysis
Steps of a Qualitative Biomechanical Analysis
Sample Analyses
Learning Aids

Chapter 14. Qualitative Biomechanical Analysis to Improve Training
Biomechanics and Training
Qualitative Anatomical Analysis Method
Sample Analyses
Learning Aids

Chapter 15. Qualitative Biomechanical Analysis to Understand Injury Development
Steven T. McCaw
Mechanical Stress and Injury
Tissue Response to Stress
Mechanism of Overuse Injury
Individual Differences in Tissue Threshold
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors Affecting Injury
Sample Analysis: Overuse Injuries in Running
Learning Aids

Chapter 16. Technology in Biomechanics
Quantitative Biomechanical Analysis
Measurement Issues
Tools for Measuring Biomechanical Variables
Learning Aids
Motion Analysis Exercises Using MaxTRAQ
Peter M. McGinnis, PhD, is a professor in the department of kinesiology at the State University of New York, College at Cortland, where he has taught since 1990. He is also the men’s and women’s pole vault coach at SUNY Cortland. Before 1990, Dr. McGinnis was an assistant professor in the department of kinesiology at the University of Northern Colorado. During that time he served as a sport biomechanist in the Sports Science Division of the U.S. Olympic Committee in Colorado Springs, where he conducted applied sport biomechanics research, tested athletes, taught biomechanics courses to coaches, and developed educational materials for coaches.

Dr. McGinnis is also the biomechanist for the pole vault event for USA Track and Field. As a member of the American Society of Testing Materials, he serves as chair of the pole vault equipment subcommittee and the task group on pole vault helmets. He has authored numerous articles and technical reports about the biomechanics of pole vaulting and has been a reviewer for Sports Biomechanics, the Journal of Applied Biomechanics, Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, and the Journal of Sports Sciences.

Dr. McGinnis is a member of numerous professional organizations, including the American College of Sports Medicine, American Society of Biomechanics, and the International Society of Biomechanics in Sport. He received a PhD in physical education from the University of Illinois in 1984 and a BS in engineering from Swarthmore College in 1976.

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