

Bigger Faster Stronger-2nd Edition

ISBN: 9780736079631

Autor: Greg Shepard


Número de Páginas: 240

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2009

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Bigger Faster Stronger is now bigger and better than ever! This second edition presents the most popular strength training system for today’s high school and college athletes. Establish the solid foundation you need to compete successfully and advance your athletic career.

With the second edition of Bigger Faster Stronger, a program that has led teams to over 320 high school state championships, you will

learn the fundamental exercise techniques and drills necessary for developing strength, power, agility, and speed for any sport;
implement a training program that will meet your sport performance needs and modify it to fit your personal goals;
perform, spot, and coach complex performance-optimizing lifts, including the squat, deadlift, power clean, and bench press;
improve speed, agility, and flexibility to complement your power; and
optimize your performance, in the gym or on the field, with nutrition and meal plans for your body’s needs.

During the in-season or off-season, the customizable programs can accommodate any sport, and every level of competition. Based on the latest research, and followed by tens of thousands of the nation’s top athletes, Bigger Faster Stronger can elevate your play so you can beat the competition!
Part I: The Total Program
1. A Unified Approach to Training
2. BFS Rotational Set-Rep Program
3. BFS In-Season Program
4. BFS Readiness Program

Part II: Strength Exercises
5. Six Absolutes of Perfect Technique
6. Squat and Squat Variations
7. Power Clean and Quick Lifts
8. Hex Bar Deadlift and Deadlift Variations
9. Bench Press and Bench Press Variations
10. Sport-Specific Auxiliary Lifts

Part III: Speed, Agility, and Flexibility
11. Agility and the BFS Dot Drill
12. Five-Phase Plyometric Program
13. Speed Training
14. BFS 1-2-3-4 Flexibility Program

Part IV: Program Administration
15. Organization and Weight Room Design
16. Weight Training Safety
17. Nutrition
18. Be an Eleven
19. Why Steroids Don’t Work
Greg Shepard is the owner and founder of Bigger Faster Stronger (BFS), which has been providing strength training programs to high schools and colleges for over 30 years. He has coached football at three Division I schools and was a strength and conditioning consultant for the Utah Jazz. He has given more than 500 seminars to coaches and athletes in all 50 states, and more than 9,000 high schools have implemented his BFS program. Shepard is the author of numerous publications, including the BFS print magazine, which has a circulation of over 500,000 and is distributed to every high school, college, and professional team in the country.

Shepard earned his doctorate in physical education from Brigham Young University. He is the author of four books and 23 videos on sport conditioning. Shepard is married with four children and lives in Provo, Utah.

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