

AV Monographs 225: Aires Mateus - 20 Years, 20 Works

ISBN: 9788409206919

Autor: Vários

Editora: AV

Número de Páginas: 112

Idioma: Espanhol

Data Edição: 2020

27,52 €30,58 €
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Since the turn of the century, the brothers of Lisbon-based practice Aires Mateus have expanded their formal and material repertoire, blurring the limits of the building with the exterior, the topography, or the existing. Such an enrichment of the architectural vocabulary combines the abstraction of their beginnings with many figurative references extracted from the historic and the vernacular. This issue celebrates their innovation with 20 works completed since 2000. The selection features numerous private homes but also the School of Architecture in Tournai (Belgium), the EDP Headquarters in Lisbon, and the Furnas Monitoring and Research Centre, located in the Azores

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