

An Introduction To Combustion: Concepts And Applications

ISBN: 9780071086875

Autor: Stephen R. Turns


Número de Páginas: 752

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2012

59,93 €66,59 €
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"Introduction to Combustion" is the leading combustion textbook for undergraduate and graduate students because of its easy-to-understand analyses of basic combustion concepts and its introduction of a wide variety of practical applications that motivate or relate to the various theoretical concepts. This is a text that is useful for junior/senior undergraduates or graduate students in mechanical engineering and practicing engineers. The third edition updates and adds topics related to protection of the environment, climate change, and energy use. Additionally, a new chapter is added on fuels due to the continued focus on conservation and energy independence.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Combustion and Thermochemistry
Chapter 3: Introduction to Mass Transfer
Chapter 4: Chemical Kinetics
Chapter 5: Some Important Chemical Mechanisms
Chapter 6: Coupling Chemical and Thermal Analyses of Reacting Systems
Chapter 7: Simplified Conservation Equations for Reacting Flows
Chapter 8: Laminar Premixed Flames
Chapter 9: Laminar Diffusion Flames
Chapter 10: Droplet Evaporation and Burning
Chapter 11: Introduction to Turbulent Flows
Chapter 12: Turbulent Premixed Flames
Chapter 13: Turbulent Nonpremixed Flames
Chapter 14: Burning of Solids
Chapter 15: Emissions
Chapter 16: Detonations
Chapter 17: Fuels

Appendix A: Selected Thermodynamic Properties of Gases Comprising C-H-O-N System
Appendix B: Fuel Properties
Appendix C: Selected Properties of Air, Nitrogen, and Oxygen
Appendix D: Binary Diffusion Coefficients and Methodology for their Estimation
Appendix E: Generalized Newton's Method for the Solution of Nonlinear Equations
Appendix F: Computer Codes for Equilibrium Products of Hydrocarbon-Air Combustion
Stephen R. Turns

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