

Agroecological Innovations

ISBN: 9781853838576

Autor: Norman Uphoff


Número de Páginas: 306

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2001

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The world's food supply needs to rise significantly, yet both arable and water supplies per capita are decreasing. Not only are modern agricultural methods beyond the reach of those suffering the greatest food insecurity but they are also ecologically damaging, relying upon fossil energy and chemical inputs. This volume offers a collection of innovative and diverse approaches to agricultural development. Documented in 12 case studies, these approaches are reliant upon greater knowledge, skill and labour input, rather than larger capital expenditure. They are shown to increase yield substantially, sometimes doubling or tripling output. This volume presents the concepts and operational means for reorienting agricultural efforts towards these more environmentally friendly and socially desirable approaches in the developed as well as developing world.

Part 1 Issues For Analysis and Evaluation

Part 2 Experiences from Africa, Latin America and Asia: Africa

Latin America


Part 3 Advancing Agroecological Agriculture with Participatory Practices


Norman Uphoff is director of the Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development (CIIFAD) and professor of government and international agriculture at Cornell University.


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