

Agribusiness: Decisions and Dollars

ISBN: 9781428319127

Autor: Jack Elliot

Editora: CENGAGE

Número de Páginas: 352

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2009

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Agribusiness: Decisions & Dollars, second edition, provides students the important “need to know” information necessary to make effective decisions, and to value financial progress and success regardless of agricultural enterprise size. As the first agricultural education high school level text based on the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) students will learn the most basic life skills such as the mechanics of writing a check to better understanding complex enterprise analysis. The text gives foremost attention to dollar and sense management, but also helps students hone skills necessary for solving problems and evaluating the management of resources. Agribusiness: Decisions & Dollars, presents students with relatable scenarios by following two high school students interested in agribusiness, as they learn the complexities of the financial world, and why records are important. This informal, approachable writing style is used to engage and help students gain a clear understanding of the importance of basing decisions on financial records.


Financial statements were generated from the National Council for Agricultural Education’s curriculum "DECISIONS & DOLLARS", which corresponds directly with the National FFA awards and degree applications, as well as the National Management Information Systems.
The content for Agribusiness: Decisions & Dollars was pilot tested in 10 states with almost 90 secondary level teachers.
The author employed the philosophy of keeping the "need-to-know" information and eliminating the "nice-to-know" content based on teacher recommendations.
The book is designed to be used in all agricultural education classes where record keeping and financial management are addressed.
Chapter 1: Agribusiness Management and Marketing
Chapter 2: Developing Personal Life Skills
Chapter 3: Inventory
Chapter 4: Balance Sheet
Chapter 5: Income Statement
Chapter 6: Statement of Cash Flows
Chapter 7: Statement of Owner Equity
Chapter 8: Analyzing Financial Performance
Chapter 9: Planning and Decision-Making
Chapter 10: Business Borrowing/Investing
Chapter 11: Taxes
Chapter 12: Management Information System
Dr. Jack Elliot is the Head of the Department of Agricultural Education at the University of Arizona. In this capacity, he teaches and advises students in agricultural technology management, agricultural education, and arid lands resources sciences. Dr. Elliot has taught high school agricultural education in Montana and Washington, has written thirty-four state and one national curriculums, and serves on local, state, national and international educational committees. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education, a Master of Agricultural Economics from Washington State University and is a 1988 Ph.D. graduate in Agricultural Education from The Ohio State University.

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