

Aerial Dance

ISBN: 9780736073967

Autores: Jayne BernasconI, Nancy Smith


Número de Páginas: 144

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2008

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Aerial Dance is the first book to showcase this newest dance genre. The book traces the historical roots of this latest art form, which is rapidly gaining in popularity. It also defines its place in the lineage of modern dance and addresses aesthetics, philosophical approaches to teaching, and safety issues.

Aerial Dance will be of great interest to all those associated with or attracted to this emerging art form. Whether a novice or professional, a practitioner or educator, they will learn from those who helped shape aerial dance into what it is today.
Part I. Taking Off: From the Ground to the Air

Chapter 1. Aerial Dance in a Postmodern World: Its Roots and Wings in Modern Dance
Chapter 2. Flight Path: The Evolution of Aerial Dance
Chapter 3. Air Craft: The Aesthetics of Aerial Dance

Part II. From an Aerial View

Chapter 4. Bird’s-Eye View: Essays From the Field
Chapter 5. Flight Instructions: Approaches to Teaching
Chapter 6. Custom-Designed Flights: Other Applications

Part III. Flying Safely

Chapter 7. Injury Prevention: Understanding the Anatomy and Physiology of Suspended Movement
Chapter 8. Rigging for Aerial Dance: Keep It Safe
Jayne Bernasconi, MA, is an adjunct professor of dance at Towson University and aerial dance instructor at Gerstung in Baltimore. A professional dancer, choreographer, and educator for 25 years, she is the founder and artistic director of Air Dance Bernasconi, a nonprofit aerial dance company in Baltimore since 2000. Since that time, her dance company has created more than 25 full-scale aerial dances.
Nancy E. Smith founded Frequent Flyers Productions in Boulder, Colorado, in 1988 and serves as the artistic director.

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