

Advanced Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription

ISBN: 9781450466004

Autores: Vivian Heyward, Ann Gibson


Número de Páginas: 552

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2014

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Advanced Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription, Seventh Edition With Online Video, provides a comprehensive approach to physical fitness appraisal and exercise prescription. The text bridges the gap between research and practice and synthesizes concepts and theories from exercise physiology, kinesiology, measurement, psychology, and nutrition to provide a clearly defined approach to physical fitness testing and the design of individualized exercise programs. The accompanying online videos enhance the learning experience and teach the techniques necessary for conducting fitness testing and program design. More than 40 clips featuring common exercise assessments will help users learn essentials of fitness testing, such as calibration of blood pressure cuffs, functional movement assessment, and push-up and pull-up testing.
Chapter 1. Physical Activity, Health, and Chronic Disease
Chapter 2. Preliminary Health Screening and Risk Classification
Chapter 3. Principles of Assessment, Prescription, and Exercise Program Adherence
Chapter 4. Assessing Cardiorespiratory Fitness
Chapter 5. Designing Cardiorespiratory Exercise Programs
Chapter 6. Assessing Muscular Fitness
Chapter 7. Designing Resistance Training Programs
Chapter 8. Assessing Body Composition
Chapter 9. Designing Weight Management and Body Composition Programs
Chapter 10. Assessing Flexibility
Chapter 11. Designing Programs for Flexibility and Low Back Care
Chapter 12. Assessing Balance and Designing Balance Programs
Vivian H. Heyward, PhD, is a Regents professor emerita at the University of New Mexico, where she taught physical fitness assessment and exercise prescription courses for 26 years. In addition to the previous editions of this book, she has authored two editions of Applied Body Composition Assessment (Human Kinetics, 1996, 2004) as well as numerous articles in research and professional journals dealing with various aspects of physical fitness assessment and exercise prescription.
Ann L. Gibson, PhD, is an associate professor and researcher in exercise science at the University of New Mexico, with research interests in body composition and physiological responses to exercise. She developed the ancillary materials for the sixth edition of Advanced Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription in addition to coauthoring the seventh edition.

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