

ABLE Bodies Balance Training With Web Resource

ISBN: 9780736064682

Autor: Sue Scott


Número de Páginas: 464

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2008

75,72 €84,13 €
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ABLE Bodies Balance Training offers an activity-based program to improve balance and mobility for both fit and frail older adults. This practical instructor's guide provides more than 130 balance and mobility exercises that consider flexibility, strength, and cardiorespiratory endurance. The exercises enhance older adults' abilities to maintain balance in completing their everyday tasks, thereby fostering increased self-confidence, reducing the occurrence of falls, and improving quality of life.

The text is based on ABLE Bodies techniques, which were proven effective in a randomized, controlled study funded by the National Blueprint and Active Aging Partnership. Results showed that ABLE Bodies training significantly improved balance, mobility, activity levels, gait speed, flexibility, and strength for participants 70 years of age and older living in retirement and assisted living facilities.
Part I: All About ABLE Bodies Balance Training
Chapter 1: Components of ABLE Bodies Training
Chapter 2: Setting Up ABLE Bodies Training Sessions
Chapter 3: Ensuring Safety in ABLE Bodies Training

Part II: ABLE Bodies Balance Training Activities
Chapter 4: Flexibility
Chapter 5: Posture and Core Stability
Chapter 6: Strength for a Purpose
Chapter 7: Balance and Mobility
Chapter 8: Cardiorespiratory Endurance
Sue Scott, MS, is an exercise consultant, balance specialist, and active living consultant. In her work with older adults and through her fitness company, Renewable Fitness, Scott focuses on bettering the health and well-being of seniors, particularly frail older adults.

Scott has over 10 years of experience working exclusively with seniors and fitness. She has worked in fitness as an educator, researcher, consultant, and personal trainer since 1986. She is certified as an American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) health and fitness instructor and an International Dance Exercise Association(IDEA) master trainer.

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