

A Handbook of Sustainable Building Design and Engineering

ISBN: 9781844075966

Autores: Dejan Mumovic, Mat Santamouris


Número de Páginas: 474

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2009

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The combined challenges of health, comfort, climate change and energy security cross the boundaries of traditional building disciplines. This authoritative collection, focusing mostly on energy and ventilation, provides the current and next generation of building engineering professionals with what they need to work closely with many disciplines to meet these challenges.

A Handbook of Sustainable Building Engineering covers: how to design, engineer and monitor a building in a manner that minimises the emissions of greenhouse gases; how to adapt the environment, fabric and services of existing and new buildings to climate change; how to improve the environment in and around buildings to provide better health, comfort, security and productivity; and provides crucial expertise on monitoring the performance of buildings once they are occupied. The authors explain the principles behind built environment engineering, and offer practical guidance through international case studies.

'This book offers great practical insights into the latest thinking in delivering sustainable buildings, backed up with superb research and entertaining evidence. A great myth-buster.'
Dr Judit Kimpian, Head of Advanced Modelling Group and Sustainability, AEDAS and the major driving force behind the CarbonBuzz Platform

'What a whopper! Over 400 pages packed with useful and comprehensive information. One wonders if one could ever wish for more. A great treat for all involved in the field.'
Alexandros N. Tombazis, architect specializing in low energy and bioclimatic design
Part I: Introduction to Complex Built Environment Systems
Introduction: Setting the Scene
1. Building Sustainable Communities: Combining Social and Physical Perspectives

Part II: Energy and Buildings
Introduction: Towards Zero Carbon Buildings
2. Energy Efficiency and Thermal Envelope
3. Energy Monitoring and Labelling
4. Energy Modelling
5. Carbon Reduction in Buildings
6. Renewable Energy Sources and the City
7. Heat Pumps in City Centre Buildings
8. Life Cycle Assessment of Buildings
9. Case Study: Energy and Environmental Monitoring
10. Case Study: Energy Modelling
11. Case Study: Energy Efficient Refurbishment of Buildings: A Policy Context

Part III: Buildings and Environment
Introduction: Emerging Design Challenges of the 21st Century
12. Urban Climate: Impacts on Energy Use, Comfort and Health
13. Air Pollution and the Urban Built Environment
14. Ventilation, Thermal Comfort, Health and Productivity
15. Indoor Air Quality and Ventilation Modelling
16. Moisture Control in Buildings
17. Natural Ventilation in City Centre Buildings
18. Mechanical and Mixed-Mode Ventilation in City Centre Buildings
19. Climate Change and Building Design
20. Sustainable Cooling Strategies
21. Case Study: Indoor Air Quality in City Centre Buildings
22. Case Study: Indoor Air Quality and Health
23. Case Study: Indoor Air Quality and Ventilation Modelling

Part IV: Operational Performance of Buildings
Introduction: The Post-Occupancy Evaluation
24. Post-Occupancy Evaluation of Buildings
25. Occupant Behaviour and Energy Use
26. Case Study: Natural Ventilation of Auditoria: Three Case Studies
27. Case Study: A Naturally Ventilated Building in a City Centre
28. Case Study: Impact of an Energy Refurbishment Programme in Chile: More than Energy Savings
Dejan Mumovic is a Lecturer in Environmental Design and Engineering at the Bartlett, University College London (UCL), a member of the Complex Built Environment Systems (CBES) research group, and cofounder of IBPSA-England and CIBSE School Design Group.

Mat Santamouris is an Associate Professor of Energy Physics at University of Athens and Visiting Professor to the School of Architecture, Low Energy Unit at University of North London, UK.

Contributing authors include some of the world’s leading authorities across the field of built environment from the UK, USA, Belgium, Greece, Slovenia, Germany, Serbia, Italy, Denmark and Finland.


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