

093 - Executing Steel Structures to Eurocodes 3 and 4: Guide to ENV 1090 - part 1

ISBN: 92914700020

Autor: ECCS

Editora: CMM

Número de Páginas: 49

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 1997

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Esta publicação pretende introduzir e explicar a ENV 1090 – part 1.
This publication has been prepared to introduce specifiers and constructors to the use of ENV 1090-1 for the execution of steel structures.
1 - General
1.1 Scope
1.2 Contents and Layout
1.3 Definition
1.4 Compliance with Requirements
1.5 Responsibilities
1.6 Evaluation of Conformity
1.7 The Construction Sites Directive
1.8 Public Procurement Directives
1.9 Prequalification

2 - Technical Requirements
2.1 Scope and Field of Application
2.2 Normative References
2.3 Definitions
2.4 Documentation
2.5 Materials
2.6 Fabrication
2.7 Welding
2.8 Mechanical Fastening
2.9 Erection
2.10 Protective Treatment
2.11 Geometrical Tolerances
2.12 Inspection, Testing and Corrections

3 - The Project Specification
3.1 The Specifier-Constructor Interface
3.2 Information Transfer
3.3 Comments and Recommendations

Annex 1: Corresponding National Technical Specifications
Annex 2: National Regulations Implementing the Construction Sites Directive


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